Shadows of Eternity

Shadows of Eternity

Reading:Ecclesiastes 3:1-13

A Year Reading:Genesis 1-3

Nas:He made all things beautiful in time, even He gave them eternity in their hearts. But man cannot dive into the work done by God from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

The idea of eternity is a universal longing that can be found in the beliefs of each ethnic group. This idea may be vague to many tribes, like a blurry reflection of something noble and pleasant. For the American Indians, the place was a kind of blissful hunting field. For others, it was a palace in the sky. For other religions, it is even a beautiful resting place. But in the Bible, it is God's own dwelling place, which is full of holiness, truth and happiness.

Ecclesiastes explains that "for all things there is a time, for anything under heaven there is a time" (v. 1). Everything on earth is temporary. But beyond that, there is something eternal, which God provides for those who believe in Him. That longing God instills in the hearts of men, that they may seek and find Him (cf. Kis. 17:27).

None of the humans can get us there. Nobody knows the way. Thankfully, in His mercy, God humbled himself by becoming the man Jesus Christ. Through His work of redemption, He became the way for all believers to arrive and enjoy eternity in the Father's house (John 3:16; 14:2-3).

So even though on this earth we are living a variety of life events one after another, we may not only focus on temporary things. The hope of eternity can change the way we look at it, and follow His will diligently and faithfully. 


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