Corner Point

Corner Point

Reading:Luke 3:1-14

A Year Reading:Genesis 4-6

Nas:In the fifteenth year of Emperor Tiberius' reign... when Annas and Caiaphas became High Priests, the word of God came to John, son of Zechariah, in the wilderness. (Luke 3:1-2)

If history is a long line, each of us is just one small dot that marches or lines up that line. So did John (the Baptist). Just like John, we are all people of history. That is why Luke lists the historical record at the beginning of this Bible passage. John is a point in the line of history. However, he is not just any point.

John was not just a man of history. He's a looter. He played a precarious and important role. Getting people to turn around from their wrong path. It even calls for practical advice for people to change from perverted daily behavior (vv. 11-14), for their lives to be fertile and fruitful (vv. 8-9). He performed the role of a bentara. He blazed the way for the coming of the Savior (v. 4). He invited people to turn a corner called repentance (v. 3). It is a corner point that deflects the line of history.

We are not John the Baptist. But God also wants us to be the ones who help define the historical line—at least our own personal life history or someone near us. That is by making changes, if necessary, radical ones. Laziness, bad habits, rigid ways of thinking, snobbery, reluctance and indifference are really looking forward to the action of real change that begins with oneself. Believe me, the fruit will definitely be visible. 


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