Kanaya (That Cloud In My Face) Part 1

The sky of luzuardi lies beautifully wrapped around a clear morning. With a passionate spirit, the pedals of the bike tightened to align my friend who had been far ahead.

As the morning breeze returned to my smile as I remembered today there were many activities at school that might have forced me not to care about Kanaya, a little girl who is now in high school, a sister who has been a year old filling my day that never recedes from a hobby I created myself.

The crescent fracturing was again clearly printed on the lips as he remembered how chatty he had been in recent months. Sometimes it makes me no doubt want to squeeze two of her rosy cheeks.

Being an idol at school made me almost crazy with the number of girls who often gunned me with a lot of seduction. Ludicrously indeed, those who looked cute cute at their age, sometimes wild horses too when often forcing me to simply accept food supplies that he said were handmade by themselves.

I'm not a child born to a pair of parents with glorious possessions up to seven generations. Only equipped with a smart brain, as well as some other luck that often makes me crowded with praise by the teacher, along with my friend's friend, so that a classmate joke is created that calls me the 'prima donna of the class'.

Even so, never had they been spiteful or anything like that. And I really didn't waste that. As the saying goes 'The thing I can always do for my best friend is to be his best friend'.
So I think it's a quote I've read from the book of Mr. Henry David Thoreau, an American writer and philosopher.

"Brother Angga."
A familiar voice in my ear made me stop playing basketball for a moment.
I wiped sweat on my forehead and then coded my friends to stop our game for an instant.

I asked after researching his tangled face.
"Every day I wait for my brother until 5 p.m. not to date. Brother, where have you been all these years?"
It makes me remember that these few days I left Kanaya to study on my own without informing her first. Ah yes, I really forgot to accompany Kanaya to study at her house. Back when he was first close to Kanaya he invited me to study together at his house, he said there were some lessons that he didn't understand. So I'm happy to accompany him to study every afternoon. Gave her an understanding of what lessons she would later get in her new class.

The friendly attitude of his mother and father made me feel more at home for a long time in the house. Not to mention Kanaya's innocent face that often occupies my mind every night. A pair of clear black eyes, decorated with flexible eyelashes that are no less dense than her wavy black hair. Her little nose and tiny red lips made me so happy that I could be satisfied with all of that as she drifted away in the explanation I gave.

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But these few days I have been so engrossed in the chess game that is held every afternoon with my friends, even I didn't hear the sound of the phone that I estimate there are 10 calls every day. I don't know, I forgot again. And after that I didn't call back because I thought Kanaya wouldn't be angry if I left studying for a few days. After all, he can study with his friends too.

I scratched my head that didn't itch. I wasn't sure the reason I was saying would work to shed a frown on his face.

"Mm, brother forgot nay, I'm sorry, yes. In the afternoon, brother will change it. Want to?"
"Brother should tell me if there are other interests, I don't know my brother anyway, but at least brother tell me first so that I don't want my brother to come if my brother is busy."
She said holding back tears.

I placed a small swab on the top of his head after I tucked a few dangling hairs swaying in the wind.
"Sorry, huh?
Brother promised I wouldn't repeat that."
I said I hoped there were no tears coming from both corners of his eyes. She looked up with teary eyes.

"Brother even now rarely returns my messages."
He ejected again with a pool of quivering eyes.

He then took him to sit on a bench available on the side of the field.
"I'm sorry,"
I whispered to her earlobe.

This time he looked up with a faint smile on his lips. I know right now she's trying to cover up her grief. Ah I've gotten to myself in my heart, 'why should women be this'. Just make it go awry.

This afternoon again the front room of my mother's house was boisterous by the jokes of friends in a game of chess. To be honest, in the past month, my classmates and I have indeed gathered more often to just chat or play together. Soon we will have a graduation exam. Hopefully, the memories we created will also give the impression of how much our adolescence meant so much.

The ringing of my phone interrupted my focus as I drifted into my friend's game. Listed in front of the screen a man who lately has made me sultry a lot on my own. Ah, do I no longer care about kanaya? Because I think I'm bored and I'm also on constant calls like this. I also have my own busy life and certainly can't always accompany him to study. It's a shame to express the reason sometimes I feel like I can't bear it for a moment after seeing her sweet face. His soft speech sometimes made me unable to convey all that.

"Brother where?
So isn't it here?
My mother has been asking for it, you know. Mom said now Brother rarely plays here."
Kanaya's spoiled voice sounded a moment after I picked up the phone.

"Sister is busy Nay, I'm sorry, brother didn't go there anymore.."
"Brother is busy every day. Which time to study Naya?"
"Naya can learn with other friends, right, don't be selfish. Sister also has her own busy life Nay, can't keep watching you learn. Besides, you don't participate in eskul? It's a test. Brother is also busy preparing for the graduation exam later."

Silence. There was no answer.

"Yaudah, brother close the phone, okay." I said I wanted to end the conversation immediately.
"Met learn Kanaya, whose spirit of learning is not while snacking."
I cut off the unilateral call. Ignoring his feelings that might have been angry with me. Let it be, he needs to understand me every now and then. I believe that tomorrow the mood will improve again.

This morning I was back pedaling my bike while occasionally singing a little just to compensate for the endless chirping of birds enlivening my morning on this paved street.

The streets still look deserted by cyclists. Ah maybe I was too excited to forget that it was too early.

After parking the bicycle. I swung a step towards the classroom. Far in front of the door I saw someone waving his hand at me. I was amazed. It was until the moment I stood not far in front of her that I knew she was Dea my classmate. I smiled back at her smile that I hadn't reciprocated earlier. He took out a box of food with one bottle of drink at me. I frowned in surprise. Then pointed to myself staring questioningly.

"For me?.."
"yes, I hope you like it,"
He said embarrassedly. I just nodded smilingly appreciating his gift and then thanking him.

After putting away the bag and putting in the food box. I was about to stand up before someone surprised me by ambushing my hand suddenly.
I was shocked for a while. Then turned his head in annoyance. There seemed to be a little scared look on me who almost wanted to hit him.

"I'm sorry, brother Angga."
Kanaya said softly lowering her gaze towards me.
"The morning has just made me feel bad. Why the hell Nay,"
I said irritably.
Kanaya still lowered her head while fiddling with the toe of the shoe.

"Naya just wants to give this a love.."
He then gave him a box of food supplies complete with a bottle of drink that I had juice in it.

I looked at him doubtfully. Two meals with two bottles of drink, who will spend?

"No need, brother has already brought the provisions from home."
My refusal after a moment of unmoving solidified heart rejecting Kanaya's gift.

Kanaya looked up. He stared at me without blinking. His eyeballs implied disappointment. I quickly averted my eyes.
"But this is Kanaya who made it for her own brother."
He said holding Isaac back.
"Still can't accept nay, Brother has brought provisions from home. Who will spend it later? Brother can't afford to eat two boxes plus two bottles of drinks at once."
Refuse me pongah.
"Bad brother!!."
Kanaya's jerk that instantly turned away left me. I didn't catch up with him. Of course I'm not wrong so it should prevent him from leaving right?
I was too stubborn and confident that later he would come back cheerful and ask me to accompany him to study again.


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Nasib Nasib Oliver Cadwell. Usia 25 tahun. Mengambil jurusan keuangan. 3 tahun pengalaman kerja. "Sempurna. Dialah yang kita butuhka...