He who has gone

He who left without excuse, has pitched across the seven full moons. Leaves the developing fetus in the womb. He's a 35-year-old guy, it's been over ten years living with me. In hard, happy, crying and laughing. With the compulsion of the heart, I had to take it off. Screaming heart seeing a crying child miss his father. The eight-year-old boy often asked me while shedding tears.

"Mom, where are you going? Delia missed."

Tears also dripped down my cheeks unconsciously. It's not because of missing the man who has given the fruit of love. But because we couldn't see the fruit of our love hurt.

That man is a very good man when he asks me. Gentle, diligent, caring and affectionate. The first two years of marriage, all felt fine. He is a very diligent man who works even though his income is mediocre. But we still felt happy, plus a beautiful angel was born from my womb. Delia, the fruit of our love.

We live in a village with friendly residents. Tranquility and peace accompany our family every day. The lush green trees of the forest on the edge of the village, become a beautiful scenery that soothes the eyes. This is where we live, build families, knit dreams.

My husband worked as a driver in a car rental. Not many villagers have private cars, they prefer to rent a car in the rental as well as the services of the driver. They think it's more practical. Meanwhile, I work in a health center as a midwife. Caring for and serving pregnant women with my current condition who are also pregnant. There are no obstetricians in our village, only selected midwives that we have. If you want to see an obstetrician, we have to go far to the city with an hour's drive and at a lot of cost of course. Only the rich people and the landlords can afford it. Even with all the limitations, the villagers can still live their lives well.

My family cannot be said to be rich, but neither is it poor. We can live comfortably in simplicity.

At first, my husband was just at home. Play with her child after work. His habits began to change since my neighbor was born. And the tradition in my village is the holding of baby literacy events. That is, the fathers played cards every night for 40 days in the home of the family who had just had a baby. So that mothers who have just given birth do not feel alone when accompanying little babies who usually like to stay up late. Snacks in the form of traditional pastries were also served. Not to forget the white water and coffee wedang as sleepy tombo.

The nights passed with my husband never being home every night. I can also understand because it is a village tradition. Later it will definitely stop after the 40th day, I thought at the time. But it turns out that the activity never stops. It even became a habit to berj*di. Some gentlemen who are crazy about playing cards continue to carry out the activity. And hell, my husband took part in the madness. Not only in the home of a family that has just been born. Card playing activities continued at the kamling post, with the excuse while ronda guarded the village.

Although my husband never neglected to carry out his responsibilities to provide for the family. But I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Moreover, he began to get close to Pakde Semprul. A successful furniture entrepreneur in our village. Not only his success is well known in the village. His unkind character is no less famous. From Pakde Semprul, my husband knew illegal drugs. And from that moment my hell began.

Every day after work my husband goes with Pakde Semprul. I don't know what they did until my husband never stayed at home. The temperament has also changed. Not infrequently he said harshly to his wife and children. If I try to remind, the swearing and insults I receive. His temperament is really uncontrollable. Although he has never been physically violent. But the verbal violence I receive every day is relentless. With all my might I tried to hold on even though the tears flowed down every day. Only Delia is on my mind. I want Delia to be raised in a whole family.

Often my husband came home drunk. A scent of alcohol wafted from his mouth. The tightness of this chest I guess.

"Mas, how long will you be like this? Don't you like Delia?" I tried to remind my husband.
"Shut up you Ratih, don't talk to you so much. Even though I'm like this, after all, shopping money is never late, right" my husband said with a glare.
"But still what you're doing is not really mas" I still tried to remind.
"Don't bacot you much" my husband closed the bedroom door with a bang.
I just fell silent as I shed tears.

The following days were heavy-handed. Work and take care of children alone. As well as taking care of the growing fetus in my womb. My husband is still rarely at home, he doesn't care if his wife is pregnant. He still cursed me a lot every time he came home. I'm trying to put up with his temperament. It peaked when I received a short message from someone.

"Ratih I saw your husband yesterday in a dimly lit café in the village next door" the person said in a text message accompanied by a photo.

I looked at the photo carefully. In the midst of the dimness, my husband can be seen hugging a woman in a sexy dress.
Regardless of who the person who had sent the message was, my anger instantly rose to the ground. The patience I had cultivated during this time was lost instantly, leaving emotions that had to be shed immediately. I visited my husband who was playing with his mobile phone in the living room. I showed him the photo I just got. I scolded him so much that he had no more reason to dodge. Unable to defend himself, his emotions also exploded. He stalked me that I was a jealous woman.

"Which woman's heart doesn't hurt to see her husband behave like that" I said aloud.

My husband didn't care, he scolded me back with absurd excuses. And I kept cornering him with the mistakes he had made. The war of mouths was fierce. Shout after shout could be heard in a huff. Unable to control my emotions anymore, my husband ended up hitting me. I fell, fell helplessly. My body instantly felt weak, my stomach ached terribly. I felt blood seep from the groin. I couldn't move.

Seeing me sprawled weakly, my husband looked terrified. He then left me without help. I couldn't help but fall silent while occasionally closing my eyes in pain. Maybe this is where my life will end. I resigned myself.

Suddenly Mrs. Wati, the neighbor next door, came over.
"Oh my gosh Mrs. Ratih, what are you? I just heard a screaming sound from this house. And I came here as soon as I saw your husband running out of the house" Mrs. Wati looked anxious.
"Help me mom" that's all I can say.
Mrs. Wati understood, without saying much, she immediately called for help and took me to the nearest hospital.

Fortunately, my baby can still be saved. She still strongly survived in the womb until the time of birth later. And I can still be healthy and strong to take care of my children.

My husband has not been heard from since then. Month after month passed never once did I try to find out his whereabouts. Wishing he came back wasn't. That was the last time I saw his face. Now I don't care where he is. Whether he's alive or dead, I don't want to know anymore. Let.


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