Various Examples of Speech Texts By Type and How to Do It!

Speech is a speaking activity that is carried out in public with a specific purpose and purpose. For example, persuasive speeches are often made by many people, not just state officials, and generally have themes that correspond to the situation and atmosphere.

If you have good communication skills and have the courage to go out in public, this is a plus. In some cases, you may be tasked with appearing in front of a large group of people to give a speech or deliver thoughts.

Of course, before giving a speech, you need to prepare well, including the speech script and mental preparation. Because public speaking is certainly not easy if you are not prepared.

The content of the speech defines you as an influence on others. The point is that the more organized and interesting the script, the more people will see the presenter as an authoritative person. You can use sample speech texts as a reference tailored to your goals.

Sample Speech Text

Here is an example of a speech text that you can use as a reference:

1. Examples of Persuasive Speech Texts

Text of Speech on Drugs



Good Morning, peace be upon you and may we all remain in the protection of God Almighty. which I respect Mrs. Principal, the entire staff of teachers and also my dear friends.

By offering praise and gratitude, may Allah Almighty be present and bestow His mercy and gifts. Give a short speech about drugs.

Drugs are a serious problem in Indonesia and their misuse is a concern for many parties. The condition of the victims of the accident is also very poor. Drugs are actually one of the destroyers of the future of the younger generation, for which there is still a long way to go.


Decisive behavior, not ignoring it at all is the only way to deal with it. If we get closer to this object, we will fall into a black hole that torments us physically and psychologically.

Having tried the drug, it will be haunted by this substance every day, every hour, every second. Drugs are addictive. In other words, our body continues to crave medicines even after we have tasted them.

Our bodies don't really want it. Our bodies are tricked into continuing to absorb this dangerous drug. As if that were not enough, drugs also affect us psychologically. It is our hearts that have not yet felt uneasy.

Our heads are shrouded in the darkness it causes so that we can scream and even hurt our loved ones. Not only ourselves, but also the closest people who care about our lives.

Imagine how parents feel when they see us suffering from this harmful substance. They can't see us suffering. Drug users will also get a lot of social stigma throughout their lives!

Enough 3 million Indonesians are addicted to mortal enjoyment. Yes that's right, I heard more than 3 million people fell into this black hole of illegal goods in 2019 based on data collected by the National Narcotics Agency or the National Narcotics Agency.


So stay away from those dirty things! This is not just a matter of law, the law is only an intermediary. Drugs are absolutely destructive and will ruin your life and should be avoided! Thank you very much

2. Examples of Thematic Speech Texts

Youth Oath Theme Speech


Good morning. May peace be with all of us.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to use this happy opportunity to speak of young people as a key generation for Indonesia's future.

Brothers and sisters, like it or not, we as the younger generation today are the pioneers of the success of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Like young people and women before independence. They were the formative generation of Indonesia at that time.


How can you say that? This is evidenced by their struggle to make youth vows. They promised that we have one homeland, one bloodshed, one language, Indonesia.

Moreover, their promise was again won by urging the country's leaders to declare independence. They forcibly kidnapped Soekarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok.

Without the action of these young people, the old group is just waiting for the promise of independence from Japan.

Decades later, young people in the 1990s took action against Suharto's autocratic rule. The era of reform and democracy was born thanks to youth.


These two examples demonstrate the strength of youth in this country. We can't be quiet, obsessed with our devices, and inactive. We determine what Indonesia's future will be. We are the future of Indonesia.

Also Read More:



That's it, that's it. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Speech Methods

You need to establish the way or method of delivering the speech, so that it is more persuasive to the audience. There are four types of persuasive language in speech: extemporary, improvised, scripted and rote memorization.

Below is an explanation of each method that can be used to make a speech:

1. Improvised Methods

This method is carried out suddenly or spontaneously without preparation by the speaker. The content of the speech is also adjusted to the situation on the ground.

2. Extemporaneous Method

This method is carried out without a script, but it also gives the speaker or orator the opportunity to decipher the content of the speech.

3. Script Reading Method

This is a method of bringing the text of the speech to the event and reading it aloud.

4. Memorization

In this method, the prepared text of the speech is memorized so that the speaker or orator does not predict the text when giving a speech.

Well, that's an example of a speech text based on the types and methods you can do to make a speech. In practice, you do need to prepare a speech script before performing it in public.


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