Too Busy for Jesus

Paul was concerned about the young Christians in Philippi. Someone had to go and see them. I can imagine him wondering: Who can I send to Philippi? Letters won't do the trick. Someone will have to go there.

Immediately Timothy comes to mind. Timothy's heart was right. Jesus' message of salvation was engraved on his heart and that is why he was the right candidate for the job. Listen to this beautiful testimony about Timothy: 19I plan (according to Jesus' plan) to send Timothy to you very soon so he can bring back all the news of you he can gather. 20Oh, how that will do my heart good! I have no one quite like Timothy. He is loyal, and genuinely concerned for you.

May this testimony be true about each of us. May we also have a heart for people who are suffering. May we too have a heart for young Christians so that we will be willing to leave everything and go to help them. When e-mails no longer works, when a cell phone call is no longer the answer, that we'll then be prepared to travel, for days on end, because a personal discussion is the only solution.

Are you Jesus' Timothy? Let's be honest, because you see, this next verse stopped me short: 21Most people around here are looking out for themselves, with little concern for the things of Jesus. It took hold of my heart, to such an extent that I had to read it again: 21Most people around here are looking out for themselves, with little concern for the things of Jesus. And again: 21Most people around here are looking out for themselves, with little concern for the things of Jesus.

My wife says it's always crunch time for us. And looking back at recent times, I must say she's not far off the mark. If I can only finish this one thing, then I'll have more time...

And do you know what is worst of all? That most of what we're busy with are things of God. Sometimes I'm so busy with the things of God that I don't have time for the God of the things...

We are so easily persuaded to do more, not only by the world, but even in church. We have so many things going on. Things we like. Things we enjoy doing. Things that give us energy. Nothing wrong with that. However, the question remains whether we have any time for the things that was important to Jesus.

If someone should ask you right now to drop everything for a week and travel far to help a number of new Christians go the right way, would you leave everything and go and do it? Do you have time? Can you make time or will you say like Paul: 21Most people around here are looking out for themselves, with little concern for the things of Jesus.


You and I must think about this. We must ask God's Spirit to help us see where we're missing the point and where we have to make time for Jesus. We must be ready all the time. We are part of God's response unit. But the question in my head remains: Do I make enough time for Him?

Bible Reading

   Philippians 2:19-30


Are you busy?

Too busy?

Do you have time to join God's response team?


Lord, I make mistakes. Sometimes I don't even have time for myself, how will I ever be ready. Please help me put things into perspective. Please help me achieve balance. Please help me to make time for You. Amen

For more information go to

 By Gerjo Ben Van Der Merwe

Article Source: Too Busy for Jesus

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