Money Is the Root of Evil and the Product of 666

Billionaires are cropping up everywhere and people are getting poorer and more in need as a result. The scales are tipped to ensure that the rich get richer while the opposite happens for the majority. The fault is the result of people's greed and the lack of knowledge about the one who is the inventor of the system. He is known as Constantine the Great, Emperor of Rome, and the one who established the Catholic Church in the year 325.

The facts have been hidden and buried beneath a massive wall of confusion and lies while the Vatican sits on the knowledge. Within its archives are records portraying exactly how the religion came to be and the role of the emperor in the creation of Christianity.

My research is the result of a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe, the only real God, and the research it has led me to conduct. This followed my reincarnation and the knowledge brought with me that there is no heaven or hell while they are the weapons of power implemented by religious organisations.

Constantine was a descendant of the Amor whose first Capital was Babylon. They created the Persian Empire and their history is full of bloodshed, slavery, invasion, and crimes so horrible that even Hitler would have recoiled at them. They were Islamic and they took the religion and their gods into the world through their migration, domination, and brutality, which included murder for the non-believers.

Their chief god is Mary, the name of the sun in Babylon. After their invasion of Italy, they built Roma (reverse Amor) and paved the way for the foundation of the Catholic Church.

They continued with their invasions, brutality, and empire building and slavery. Constantine's new religion was recycled from the original Islamic beliefs of Babylon and he invented Jesus Christ. This so-called Saviour is modelled on Krishna, the third person of the Vedic Trinity.

In Revelation 13:12-18 his deeds are detailed along with the claim that he controls the economic system. What is not realised is that he built the first Christian churches, along with the Vatican and that it was the latter that appointed Augustine Bea to establish another branch religion for its own credibility.

Bea used a man named Mohammed to form the Muslim chapter and kings and other leaders were forced by the Vatican to acknowledge him as a prophet. Meanwhile Jerome was appointed to produce the New Testament and bring in the formula by which the Catholic Church was 'doctored' into its present role.

All religion is fake and the economic system is the work of this shrewd Roman Emperor whose greed for power and control knew no bounds. While the world struggles to survive as nature gives way to wealth and species are driven to extinction those who see money as a solution to their problems need to look squarely at how the sustaining of life on this planet is rapidly coming to an end.

Commissioned by God Norma Holt works to spread the knowledge given to her by the Spirit. It differs to religious teachings because she has memory of reincarnation and knows that heaven and hell are myths. Her experience in the Spirit is here. The evidence given to her to remove the wall of blindness is here. Everything she writes is verifiable in the bible and through research.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source: Money Is the Root of Evil and the Product of 666

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