Affordable Healthcare Act Turned Out To Be Far Too Expensive - Should Have Read Before Signing

One question that many are asking is; how can we trust the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) now, after they were so far off on what the Obama Administration's "Affordable Healthcare Act" or ACA was supposed to achieve, namely 34 million uninsured Americans would be covered, turned out to be that the net gain was only 10.5 million. The ACA was supposed to allow people to 'keep their doctor' and see reduced costs for health insurance - again, the opposite happened. Let's talk about the politics, narrative, and continued misrepresentation of the ACA, shall we?

There was a rather troubling piece in the Washington Post on March 13, 2017 titled: "Obamacare revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million, CBO projects," by Amy Goldstein, Elise Viebek, Kelsey Snell and Mike DeBonis - the article stated:

"House Republicans' proposal to rewrite federal health-care law would more than reverse the gains the ACA has made in the # of Americans w/health insurance, while curbing the federal deficit, says CBO. The CBO predicts 24 million fewer people would have health coverage over next 10-yrs, doubling # of uninsured from 10 to 19%. It would lower deficit by $337 billion, primarily by lessening spending on Medicaid & government aid to help people buy health plans on their own."

So what? ObamaCare is worthless and has nothing to do with adequate healthcare, and as the CEO of Blue Cross said in 2012; "ObamaCare won't even be around in 5-years, it can't work, it is the most unsustainable thing ever conceived in the healthcare sector," the ACA will collapse under its own weight without a major overhaul, or a total repeal or replace.

Please remember; Nancy Pelosi told us we had to vote for it first, to see what was in it. Remember that the ACA was passed in a non-bi-partisan way, and recall the scandal over MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber who admitted to tricking the 'stupid public' to get the bill passed and once passed they could work on modifying it until they had a 'universal healthcare' program. It turns out that the entire ACA was stealthily and politically passed, and repealing it is the only way to right that wrong. Then and only then can we begin to discuss moving back to a free-market strategy - and the best way is to get the government out of the healthcare business.

Needless to say, once you promise someone something, they will get very angry if you try to take it away, even if you never had the ability to deliver what you promised in the first place - and my friends that is where we are today, blame the politicians, citizens and socialism. Think on this.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

 By Lance Winslow

Article Source: Affordable Healthcare Act Turned Out To Be Far Too Expensive - Should Have Read Before Signing

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