Partakers of The Divine Nature

We are partakers of His divine nature! I am still dizzy, just thinking of the implications of these words from Peter in 2 Peter 1. I cannot stop thinking of How God's grace towards us is unlimited, and how His love surpasses all human understanding.

Let us think about this for a moment. God, The divine, everlasting, timeless immutable infinite, eternal, creator, the maker of all things, the maker of the Billions of galaxies in the heavens, with billions of suns, some of which are of unimaginable size, the maker of every simple cell there is in this vast universe; the one who made me, in His own image. He has seated me, in the spirit, with His Majestic son, as co-equal with Him, in the heavenly places, with an eternal foothold in heaven, and as co-heir of His kingdom.

And as if this much was not enough, He is sharing with me, in the present tense, meaning right now, He is sharing with me, partaking with me, of His divinity. This is mind boggling, I mean, this is amazing. I certainly cannot wrap my pea size brain around the magnitude of this statement. Let alone absorb it.

This is something we need to digest slowly, we really need to chew on it for hours, salivate it slowly before we even attempt to swallow.

Look at the whole statement. 2 Peter 1:4 by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

The statement start with 'By which'. By which what? The previous verse tells us that His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,

This 'by which' in verse 4, is referring to God's glory and excellence. What he is saying specifically, is that God has called us to His glory and excellence. God, our Magnificent father, has called us to His glory and to His excellence; how much more can we ask for, He is saying, here is my glory, and all of my excellence, come and share it with me, come and take your portion, for it is a delight to me to make you partaker of it, because I want you to delight in it, to live in a blitz with it, to enjoy it with me always.

This is really something which every Christian must, as in life or death must, understand with perfect clarity, if he or she is to live a glorious Christian life, if he is to rejoice in the Lord always, and steer clear of all the bombardments of Satan and the world.

But let us look at the whole package carefully, so that we get this right. In the opening statement of this letter, Peter is addressing 'those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ' in other words, he is addressing this letter to all of us, to all, who one time or another, past, present and future, have been given, by grace, through faith, a right standing with God. And peter says, those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours; in other words he makes no difference between him and all others who have professed Christ as Lord and savior. And so he states our equal standing before God.

Then he moves on to establish what great blessings we possess, and what divine power has God given us through the Spirit. He tells us that through knowing God, through embracing the power the Spirit has given us, and through pouring ourselves out on to him, through delighting in Him in the power of the Holy Spirit, God's divine power has granted us all things which pertain to life and godliness. He has made available to us, for our taking, everything we need, every tool, every condition, every knowledge, every opportunity required, for us to live a life of delight, a life of Joy, and a life of godliness. And He has done this, so that we can be equipped to partake of His divine nature, to enjoy His glory, to delight every day in His presence.

So, in other words, He call us to his glory and excellence and then gives us the tools we need to live a holy life, a life of goodness, in order that we can receive all of His precious and very great promises. All of them, every single promise He has ever made to us has already been granted to us, all we need to do is to receive them, yet in order to receive them we must, of necessity, utilize all the tools, all the understanding, all the knowledge, all we need, which He has given us to live a godly life.

Because; all of these promises, are not only an incredible bundle of blessings and blitz on their own, but they also allow us to become partakers of the divine nature.

Let me be sure you got that, once His promises are embraced by us, and we are delighting in them, these promises come with an additional blessing, a bonus, if you will, they grant us an opportunity, they put us in a position to become partakers of God's divine nature.

Imagine it like this,

You go to a party, where the host is Jesus, but, for starters, you cannot get in without an invitation, that's verse 1. Then at the door you are given a booklet, with a full biography of the host, and they tell you, you can get in if you want, but you can only stand in a corner of the house, with all the uneducated and lazy, and religious people who are only allowed to look from afar. Or you can go sit under a tree and memorize the content of this booklet, until you know the host deeply, the good thing is, the host will come out and read it with you, and he will explain it to you in detail, while you are getting acquainted with each other. By the time you memorize the booklet, you and Him will be best buddies. And He is going to share with you everything, even His inheritance

Then you come in to the party with full knowledge of the host, you are welcomed as His close friend, and you get to mingle with all the important people, and to eat of every fancy dish in the tables, and to hang out with the host and his closest family and friends, and when the party is over, you will already have experienced the life which He will grant you when he ask you to come and live in His house, forever.

Now, those lazy people, those who were too busy to get to know the host, some of them will be brought to His house, through the back door, and they get to live there, but they cannot leave the kitchen area where they'll do the dishes and peel the potatoes and take the trash out. Others will realize, too late that they weren't really invited, and so they will be thrown out of the party.

Which one would you rather be?

God is inviting you to be blessed, truly blessed, take the offer, while there's still time.

Jos� A. Luna

A Servant of Christ Jesus

 By Jose Luna

Article Source: Partakers of The Divine Nature

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