Getting Motivated: Towards or Away From Your Goals

Getting Motivated: Towards or Away From Your Goals

By Pati McDermott

Some people are motivated away from the things that they don't like and some people are motivated towards the things they want. For example, some people will work on increasing their income because they don't like where they live or they don't like being in debt. That would be called an Away From strategy; moving away from something that is uncomfortable. A Towards person increases their income because they are thinking of the home that they prefer or they are thinking about wanting to increase their savings or their retirement fund. Most people have some combination of both such as 60/40 in either direction. Statistically, this is the most common combination with most people leaning in one direction or the other rather than equally balanced. There is a social bias that a Towards strategy is preferable but that is not necessarily true. If someone has an Away From strategy and it is working then it is a good strategy.

If you are primarily motivated away from things that you don't like then it is important that you use that strategy successfully to stay motivated. If your house is messy, there is a point where it gets to be too much and it gets tidied. At what point does the tidying begin? Does it begin at a comfortable level or is your house a disaster before you reach your threshold to clean it? Someone with an Away From strategy for cleaning their house has to notice the house becoming uncomfortable to get motivated to clean it. If you put on blinders and ignore the mess then your Away From strategy isn't working. You will have to take the blinders off and notice how uncomfortable your house is to change the threshold and have a house that is comfortable.

A Towards person is thinking about how nice the house looks when it is clean and is motivated to get it to look the way they like it. If the Towards person forgets what their house looks like with everything put away then there is no motivation that way either. For a Towards person it is important to remember what is good about a tidy house so that they stay motivated to keep it the way that they like it.

In both cases the amount of work and effort is the same but one is motivated away from messiness and the other is motivated towards tidiness.

If you think about it for a moment you can probably figure out which motivation strategy you are using. Think about something that you regularly get done. Are you motivated away from discomfort or towards a goal? You probably have a different strategy in different contexts. Most people have variations depending on whether they are motivated in their career, at home, in their relationship, etc. If you're not sure which strategy you are using in these different contexts you can begin to observe yourself being motivated to find out which strategy you primarily use.

If your motivation strategy isn't working there are things you can do to turn it on more strongly. If you are primarily Away From, build your Away From strategy. Build your discomfort level by really noticing how bad the thing you don't like is. If you hate your job, career, home or finances, and you want to change it - really notice how much you hate it and build that until you start moving away from it. If you have goals and things that you really want, notice how much you want them and develop that strongly. Think about what it will be like when you have what you want. Make it strong and really compelling.

Towards people are focused on a goal. They are thinking about what they want to achieve. They are motivated by what they want to get, have, achieve, or attain. They are energized by their goals and tend to be good at managing their priorities.

Away From people notice what they are avoiding, getting rid of and not allowing to happen. Their motivation is often triggered by an increase in difficulty or discomfort such as a new problem or an existing problem getting bigger that becomes a threat. Away From people respond to deadlines, penalties and negative consequences. They are good at troubleshooting, problem-solving, identifying obstacles and picking up on the things that could go wrong. They are motivated by fixing problems, correcting mistakes and a lack of mistakes. This is their style of writing and studying. They look for errors and correct them, constantly upgrading their accuracy by making corrections. They are often distracted by goals and are more motivated by a response to something negative. They are sometimes disliked by Towards people by being seen as negative, cynical, jaded, managing crises, and drawn to problems. To accurately determine an Away From strategy get beyond the surface reason for doing something. Most of us have been trained that it is better to think positively so our first response is often going to be in a positive direction. Dig deeper for the real reason that you want what you want and look for an avoidance pattern or a moving away strategy. Identify what you want and then find the reason why you want it. Do you want it because of what it will give you or do you want it because of what you will avoid? Away From people set goals, but they do it to avoid failure. Their reason for setting goals is Away From and that is what triggers them to take action on their goals. Away From people sometimes get easily distracted by any little thing that goes wrong. For an Away From person's strategy to work they need to have a balance of some Towards thinking to stay focused on what they need to fix and what they want to accomplish.

Towards people need to be aware of any problems that might arise and stay Towards while they work on solving the problem. They need to have back up plans and contingencies for the things that can go wrong. Without a well thought out plan the Towards person can lose motivation when things go wrong if they haven't thought about how to solve their problems.

Both Away From and Towards people need a successful combination of clear goals, contingency plans and a focus on priorities.

The Away From or Towards strategy is often what gets the person started on a project but something bigger is usually needed for completing a goal bigger than cleaning the house. For big life goals it is important to be primarily goal focused rather than problem focused. An Away From person can still be primarily motivated away from discomfort, but staying focused on problems only will not succeed in maintaining motivation. Whether the person is moving away from a problem to avoid or moving towards a problem they are solving, as soon as the problem begins to get either resolved or successfully avoided, the discomfort of the problem is reduced just enough so that the motivation stops. The problem is no longer an irritant even though it is still there. Being problem focused does not maintain motivation.

What maintains strong motivation is a focus on goals. If you are headed for the Emerald City and that is what you are focused on, if there is a mountain blocking your path you are either going to go under it, around it, over it, through it or go the whole way around the planet in the other direction, because you are focused on getting to the Emerald City. A problem-focused person is going to be stuck at the mountain and decide that it is not possible to get any further on their path. They will even forget about their goal because the problem becomes bigger than the goal. Don't ever let your problems get bigger than your goals. Don't be ruled by your limitations.

It's all a matter of perception. If goals were always easy to achieve they wouldn't mean as much to us. A challenging goal that has been reached is a valuable achievement, worthy of effort and even sacrifice. Keep your eyes on the prize!

In archery you never aim for the bulls-eye. Gravity will always put the arrow in the ground before it gets there. Raise your aim a little higher, zero in and take your best shot. You can learn to hit the bulls-eye every time.

Set a goal, define it very accurately, and generate a lot of excitement about the goal. Focus on what you want with a body of knowledge that supports that. This is what you want to build on. For a big important goal, think about that goal 3 or 4 times a day and get excited about it. It's a matter of focus. Attach a high level of energy to it. Learning to increase your own energy is a very useful thing to be able to do, particularly for achieving big goals. Attach an immense amount of energy to something that you want to accomplish, like riding on a roller coaster, galloping on a horse or skiing down a slope. Attach that intensity to achieving your goal and think about that several times a day.

For a long-term goal, pick your goal and put intermediate step goals in between. Put your energy in that, keeping your eyes on the end goal. All along the way there will be obstacles, problems and things to resolve, go around, or avoid to get to the other side of the problem. As soon as you reach an obstacle reorient to the target.

When a rocket is sent into outer space it is off course most of the time as it heads towards its destination. It will go off course to the right until a mechanism indicates that it is off course and if self-corrects back to the course. Then it goes off course to the left for a while until it self-corrects and starts heading to the right. The rocket is off course most of the way towards its target but it is programmed to reach its destination. As long as the rocket stays on course it will reach where it is going.

Students tend to focus on a goal of getting through school rather than to focus on what their goal is for going to school which is whatever their chosen career is. This tendency can cause a lot of people to get stuck along the way and lose sight of their original goal for going to school. The ultimate goal must be maintained in order to stay motivated to achieve all that is required for this big undertaking.

Define where you want to be. Where do you want to be five years from now - career-wise, health-wise, relationship-wise... ? If you stray from that path you'll lose your focus. Motivation comes when you keep accessing the goal(s) that you really want. Attach fun to it. Make the achieving of this goal exciting - extra exciting - and really, really fun! Make it sparkle. Attach the same level of excitement to overcoming the obstacles and problems to be solved along the way to the goal. Keep looking back at the steps you have achieved to maintain your enthusiasm and belief in your ability to continue doing that as you continue toward your goal.

Here's a little exercise that you can follow now from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming):

Think of a time in your life when you were really motivated. It might be that you are motivated to be in front of your TV at a certain time every week for your favorite show. It might be a time of learning something fun that you really enjoyed. It could be an experience from a younger age or something you got done easily yesterday. Think of an example where you were easily motivated; the motivation was switched on automatically. It doesn't have to be a big success. It can be any example, even a small one like making a cup of tea that you really want. Maybe it was learning a language or hang gliding. Find an example, any example, from any time in your life where you were highly motivated. Good.

Now close your eyes and go back into that memory as if it is right now; fully associate into that memory as if it is happening right now, and notice everything that you can notice from that experience - what you see, what you feel (physical sensations), what you hear, and everything that you are aware of when you go to that memory fully associated. Close your eyes and go there right now.

Write down everything that you notice: pictures, sounds, physical sensations, and everything that you notice from that memory. What are you aware of when you think about that memory of being motivated? What do you notice most strongly? What is the one signal that is strongest? Is it certain words you are saying inside your head like, "Yes!" or "This is great" or is it a picture that you see? Do you see yourself in the picture or are you looking at the picture from your own eyes? What does your body feel - exact physical sensations such as temperature, movement, muscle sensations, smiling, etc.? Find one signal that is the strongest.

Okay, now think of a goal that you have now that you want to be motivated to have. Bring the signal from your motivation memory to the goal you have now. So, for example, if you have, "Yes!" as your biggest signal from your past motivation memory, think of your current goal and hear yourself say, "Yes!" If the signal from the past memory was warmth or tingling in your body, think about your current goal and feel warmth or tingling in your body. This is a simple example of NLP using a signal from a past experience to elicit a similar response in the present.

Another way to set up motivation for a successful future is to look into the future and see yourself achieving what you are working on having. If you are a student, for example, don't focus on graduating or passing - focus on what you will have after you achieve those steps on your path. School and exams are a doorway or stepping stones that lead to where you want to go. Graduation is not the destination; it is part of the journey. Focus your attention on where you ultimately want to go. It could be debt or job limitations that are triggering you to move forward but you have goals of where you want to go. Focus on that. Create a clear picture for what that looks like and put it right in front of you, ahead of you, and not too far away. You want it to be achievable in the near future so have your picture somewhat close in front of you. It's not important to actually "see" a picture, but just to imagine in your mind's eye or even just to pretend that an image is there. Good. Now look on your path for obstacles. Is there anything there that you can clear out now? Maybe you can just put it to the side of your path and walk past it. If it's an exam, for example, see yourself walking through that to the other side where you have your goals. See that there might be some problems or challenges on the path to your goal and see yourself climbing over or around those or resolving them in a routine manner. Facing challenges is normal in achieving a big goal and increases the value of achieving it. Go out now into that future and imagine having your goal, experience what that is like (what it looks like, sounds like and feels like) and then come back to the present with that experience, knowing what it is like to have the goal.

These are some simple exercises from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and TPM (Thought Pattern Management). In my work with clients each session is individualized to the needs of each person. A Motivation Strategy or Success Strategy is strongly identified and made to run automatically. Any blocks or barriers to success are identified and resolved.

We can elicit a successful strategy for achieving any goal. Keep your eyes on the prize!


Pati McDermott, CHT, Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Master & Health Practitioner, & TPM Advanced Master Practitioner. Private Sessions Since 1990. Appointments by Telephone To Anywhere In The US & Canada. 1-877-881-4348 (toll free) Call Any Time or Email

Article Source: Getting Motivated: Towards or Away From Your Goals

What Is CEREC Technology

?What Is CEREC Technology

By Anna Bird

The dental industry has come a long way since its earliest days.

Dental technology has been advancing at a fast pace to the point where many more dental treatment options are available.

The new technology has made dental procedures faster, less painful and more accurate in their diagnosis and testing. The technology has also made dental care safer on the body.

One piece of equipment that has really transformed the dental industry is the CEREC machine. CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics or CEramic REConstruction. CEREC utilizes CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) to produce dental crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers.

The creators of CEREC was W. Mormann and M. Brandestini at the University of Zurich, who made the first dental restorations from the equipment in 1980. The first ceramic dental restorations using CEREC technology were first used on patients in 1985.

Ceramic dental restorations are produced directly at the point of treatment (chairside), allowing for quicker, convenient dental treatment.

How CEREC Works

CEREC utilizes a variety of modern imaging and scanning techniques including visible light scanning, CT scans, and digital radiographs, computer-aided design, 3D imaging and restoration manufacturing utilizing CNC milling, and 3D printing.

In order to carry all of these steps out in the dentist's office - chairside - the dentist requires an image acquisition unit with an intraoral camera, the corresponding designing software, and a milling machine or a printer. If the dentist does not have a milling unit in their office, they can send the data in a digital file to the dental laboratory via an online portal. The lab designs and manufactures the restorations according to the dentist's prescription and then sends the finished restorations back to the dentist's office. Around 38,000 dentists worldwide use the CEREC method and thus produce some 6.9 million restorations each year (as of October 2013)


CEREC technology makes it possible to produce and integrate ceramic restorations in a single appointment. Unlike other materials such as amalgam or gold, ceramic is more biocompatible and boasts tooth-like physical and aesthetic qualities. In addition, digital impressions are more comfortable for patients than traditional impressions.

By further developing the process, it was possible to reduce the amount of follow-up work and occlusion adjustment. According to studies, the ten-year lifespan of CEREC inlays polished and milled with the aid of a computer is significantly longer than that of gold inlays, and also exceeds that of individually laboratory-manufactured ceramic inlays. Further clinical studies have reported a success rate of CEREC restorations is 95.5 percent following a period of nine years and 84 percent after 18 years.

Other potential applications

Combined with three-dimensional X-ray technology, it has also been possible to use CEREC for implants since 2009. The dentist can combine the CAD/CAM planning based on CEREC with 3D X-ray data to coordinate the prosthetic and surgical implant planning. Based on this so-called integrated implantology, the dentist is able to order the drilling templates from the drilling template manufacturer SiCat or - if they have their own milling machine - produce them on their own at the office using CEREC Guide. Furthermore CEREC has been expanding into the orthodontic market with a special software package creating a virtual patient for orthodontic treatment planning.

Article Source: ?What Is CEREC Technology

A Year Changes You A Lot

A Year Changes You A Lot

By Sergei VanBellinghen

It is a fact of life that a year changes you a lot. You are not the same person you were a year ago. Seasons change, people change. Things such as passions, life purpose, dreams, and beliefs transform themselves into either something more powerful or different over time. Your desires alter your path.

Why are changes so significant? How can you see if you are on the right path? Why is it a good thing to change course at times? Should you take time to reflect?

I believed that everyone needs to take time for reflection and make appropriate changes. But then again, it is only over an extended period that you can see if you made any difference. The reason is that days and weeks follow one another and blur together with the routine and flow of your life.

During the stage of a year, whatever the changes, big or small, you are molding yourself into something different, than who you were before. Some of your tastes in foods, music, ideas, beliefs and even thoughts are going through a process of change.

Let Changes Mold You
Yet the more you allow yourself to be who you are, the more success will come. If you are not doing what your soul is screaming out for, you are wasting precious time. The desire to transform is what gets you started. And it grows only as much as your extents to make the necessary changes, no matter if you might find yourself in the unknown.

So, any distance between your dreams and reality is what is called 'action.' The secret to success is to modify the road you are on when it becomes necessary. And then make at least one small thing each day to further your dream into reality. You have to discover a daily routine where you can insert or add the steps you need.

"The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." - Socrates

Changes Are Part of Life
Persistence and determination are what helps you build momentum. Yet, then comes, a huge curve where you have no choice but to make changes. While at the same time, you have to keep going on the path which takes you up a steep hill. And yes, at times, it means you have to let go of less important things.

During the phase of a year, you may learn to do some things differently. I am sure that you have a great desire in achieving your dreams. But the problem is that many times, intentions are not what will take you there. The only way is to make some changes to bring your dreams into reality.

And believe it or not, the things that are currently happening in your life, is a reflection of your past choices. You have to take time to reflect, release and let go of what no longer serves you. All of the people in your life, your work, your relationship, or your belongings are a result of a choice or changes you made. It was once something you desired, needed, or wanted to have.

Right Changes Are Hard

"The most useful piece of learning for the uses of life is to unlearn what is untrue." - Antisthenes

For years I changed work, going from one job to another, making changes, thinking that my purpose in life would come. I even walked away from things where I was on the right path, which I didn't realize until not so long ago. I kept pushing my dreams away because I believed I was not ready.

Who knows? Maybe I was afraid to follow the course of my life's purpose I knew I had the talent for certain things and always felt I was destined to do great things. But now I realize that putting off stuff until later was not my best decision and way of action. So far, I lived a great life, but I lost precious time in the process.

Follow the Voice in Your Heart
The only way to succeed and be happy is to follow what your soul screams at you from deep within, and what the voice in your heart tells you to do. If I can give you only one advice, it is to listen to the screaming expression of your heart.

Since I follow my heart's purpose, I am going through massive changes, but things are finally falling into place. And yes, it takes time to go from being a beginner to a master, but if you are anything like me, and you keep putting yourself into action, going all in, you can make it.

"There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Changes and the Unknown
Do not let fear and doubt create limitations in your life. Every circumstance that happens to you can be transformed into something of value. The only real way to grow is by making changes. Now you might also fear success as you approach it, but learn how to deal with it.

Things in your life will undoubtedly shift and change. You may not like some of those changes, and you cannot see how your life is going to unfold but what choice do you have? It takes energy to both avoid changes and to make them.

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek." - Joseph Campbell

A Year Changes You A Lot
There are times in your existence when there is no other choice but to go for it. Your compass might point in only one direction, the path of changes. Yet, you are afraid to enter the cave, because you do not know what you will find in there.

Therefore, it leaves you with two choices: make more excuses and forget, or go for it and own who you are. And yes, a year changes you a lot but to get even closer to what you desire, the time is now. If not now, then when? When there is no more time left?

If it can help, focus on the good that your life will gain. Challenge yourself, break open, follow your heart, uplift yourself and grow beyond what you thought impossible. Do not play small; it is your life. Let today be the day to make changes, realize your dreams of a better life; let it be the day you act upon it. And a year from now, you will be grateful you did.

Sergei VanBellinghen, Personal Growth & Success Expert, Founder of First-Class Lifestyle &
I help and teach people how to get a fresh start and have a brand-new style of living after a divorce, loss or if single.
I do this by using self-development techniques to help you grow, succeed and have a better life.
Remember, it's not just about growing but also about ending the routine. It's about the lifestyle of working less, living more and enjoying life!
Find Out How! Visit my Website and come to discover how I can afford to stay home and travel anywhere I want.

Article Source: A Year Changes You A Lot

When You Are Striving For Personal Transformation And Living An Inspired Life

When You Are Striving For Personal Transformation And Living An Inspired Life

By James Nussbaumer

When out to begin living an inspired life, never overlook the personal transformation advantages of a new hairstyle and perhaps some newer clothing.

This certainly will help end the war against yourself over inner confidence living your true free will.

To begin living an inspired life, there are ways to take control of your personal development that will transform your every single day life.

Living an inspired life and be happy within yourself, by following some of these, how to change my life now, suggestions in this article.

You can start today!

Personal transformation is never on the outside, but is the kind of lasting change that transforms your life.

Take a look at some of the self-development tips below if you are ready to explore the ways that you can develop into a happier and more inspired person.

Take baby steps along the road to living an inspired life.

Set small goals rather than lofty goals in order to reach them and feel proud of it.

Working on ways to change your life does not mean that you need to better yourself constantly, but that you are always working on some aspect of yourself and not putting it off.

You can try to fit this into your free time by using your time efficiently, such as practicing affirmations while stuck in traffic with a CD or tape.

Keep in mind that the Course in Miracles states, "Miracles are merely the translation of denial into truth."

Time to yourself

When you really need it will enable you to turn your life around with ease, taking time for yourself.

When crucial decisions need to be made which will leave you better prepared for tomorrow, having control over situations helps you to exercise the power of choice.

If you are up against anxiety and depression, get on a diet that includes many types of raw fruits and vegetables, soy beans, whole grains, nuts, seeds, brown rice and legumes.

This could help increase the level of serotonin in your body and relieve some of the symptoms that accompany depression in a natural way.

Do what you love!

Take time out of your day to do the things that you actually enjoy doing.

Whether it is playing tennis, golf, or hanging out with the kids, going out to eat with your significant other, will help set your mind free.

The Course in Miracles gives us this affirmation, "Today I seek and find all that I want."

Taking a stroll through the park or reading a good book, and taking the time to do these things will make a positive difference in you outlook on life.

If you want to be a better you, to always be living an inspired life it is so important that you help others.

Whether you are involved in your community or simply help someone you see with directions on the street, your giving will never go unnoticed to others or even to yourself.

I often insist to my readers that people helping people always makes everyone feel more whole and alive.

To a better life!
Hi, I'm James Nussbaumer, I'd like to introduce myself through my thought provoking self-improvement and inspirational books, articles, and other content which are reflections of A Course in Miracles.
I'm also offering you a Free version of my EVERYDAY MIRACLES newsletter, where you'll get updates on my weekly podcasts, videos, livestreams, other events and so much more, helping everyday people live life on their own terms. This is for folks who are interested in letting go of the past and attaining Real Abundance, Purpose, and Wellness in their lives.

Article Source: When You Are Striving For Personal Transformation And Living An Inspired Life

Against All Odds

Against All Odds

By Dr. Tim G Williams

Throughout history it has been proven that where there is acute poverty there is corruption in governments. Where there is corruption in governments there is only a perpetuating vicious cycle of economic deprivation within that society. Whether we choose to accept that the United States government has become so corrupt or not the very facts tell that us our government has only accelerated Americas decline. Also in recognizing these facts is a beginning to fuel the resources that are needed for solving man's afflictions that are the cause of the most acute crisis of the 21st century.

"War! The most malignant scourge of man." That was from General Douglas MacArthur. To this day we are sill at War, only with different antagonists. The war on drugs, poverty and such have all been fought not to end the cycle of poverty or dependency on drugs but for the money that is made on both sides. A losing battle and yet our government has only made these conditions worse. Today, the United States is one of the leading consumers of illicit drugs. The death tolls alone from those who overdose tell a tale of a losing battle on the so called war on drugs. The war on poverty is another example of how governmental policies have failed to reduce the poverty rates all across the country. Today, we are still faced with a mounting homelessness problem that is very evident not only in our cities but in those rural areas all across the nation. The plight of poverty has deepened every year.

The United States has experienced the sharpest decline of economic opportunities from over 30 years of disingenuous policies. Policies that have only created the greatest income disparity gap in our nations history. The wealthy keep getting wealthier while the majority keeps getting poorer. Not only has our economic strength declined but our moral fiber as a nation has succumbed to the indignation of our elected officials who continue to be oblivious to the plight of the multitudes who have become so destitute. When the life expectancy of our population continues to drop while other European nations rise is a sure sign that what our policies have done have only weakened our economic and moral stature. The moral fiber of our nation has deteriorated so far over the span of 35 years this nation is on the verge of falling into a dark abyss from which we may never emerge.

Internationally, we continue to fight a losing battle from ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, North Korea, and other insurgent organizations. All have only continued their carnage upon humanity, and nature. There are other threats that can render populations defenseless in securing economic stability and national security. Global Famine caused by our continued indifference to global warming is now a real eminent threat and continues to be a major catalyst for more global aggression. Nations are continuously succumbing to more poverty and disease. This is due to the vast corruption in governments and failed policies that favor only a few. When this happens it also translates into a decline of a society where diminished economic opportunities not only persist but continue to escalate.

We also have to remember that the war on poverty is also a battle against rising crime. With the increase in poverty there is also a rise in crime. Of all the industrialized nations it is the United States that has the most people incarcerated, more crime committed, and we are the only country with the highest murder rate and gun related violence. All of these factors has helped create the stark decline of our once economically strong society. The policies of the past 35 years in regards to crime and punishment has and continues to be "mass incarceration." With out the resources that are needed in our society to help prevent crime like a competent educational system, more economic opportunities, and better financed social service agencies are only exasperating the criminal justice system.

There is a direct correlation between prison populations our governmental policies of the last 35 years and the rate of how extensively the number of people who are cast into the cycle of poverty. This direct link indicates that the more people succumbing to poverty levels not seen since the 1930's our society with the continued disintegration of our morals has only accelerated the rising crime and incarceration rates. All of this translates into what the United States is experiencing, a continual cycle of economic decay.

Recent statistics indicate the catastrophic waste of human life, the potential resources lost, and the amount of capital spent has quadrupled since the late 1970's. To put this in perspective, in 2009 there were over 21,000 murders alone in the United States that were reported. Which by the way, many are not reported or documented. Then there is the cost to taxpayers at roughly about $400 Billion per year. This nation cannot afford to continue to absorb the astronomical cost associated with the rising rate of our prison population. That was in 2009. Today, those numbers have grown substantially.

The solutions to this enormous problem is going take a complete shift of policies not only in the way our judicial system is set up but an abrupt focus on why this nation continues to loose ground to other industrialized nations, like China, India and even Finland. A first line of defense is on our public school systems. Education Reform is paramount in teaching today's youth to better prepare them for their future. What has transpired in over 35 years in public education has only helped create the culture our youth are exposed to now. Compound that with the governmental policies of over 35 years has also contributed to the decline of economic opportunities that should have been available in the first place for our youth and young adults. We must remember that education, training, and knowledge is relevant only when there are opportunities available to apply ones education, training and knowledge. What we have here in the United States today is that the opportunities have all but evaporated which in turn only perpetuates a widening circle and cycle of an impoverished population.

To off set this continued rise in incarceration rates, [at a cost of over $35,000 per inmate per year] cut costs, expedite our judicial system, and increase tax revenue we would be wise to incorporate a more European concept in regards to their criminal justice system. But, to do that we must reform our whole government to help negate the effects that have brought this nation to the very edge of falling into that abyss. But, with the Republicans in Congress and the Trump Administration in charge conditions within the United States will continue to deteriorate for the majority while the 1% reap the rewards that are handed to them basically on a silver platter. In remembering the Jefferson Prophecy is essential to understanding how the United States can and must turn the tide of the continued arrogance of government back toward what our founding fathers envisioned for this nation.

Implementing National Economic Reform's Ten Articles of Confederation is the only way toward solving the many crisis that continue to plague this nation. To do nothing or continue with the status-quo even with the Republicans in charge is paramount toward disaster and the end of the American way of life that we used to know. When Trump touts "Make America great again" he not only misses the mark with everything he continues to do but he and the Republicans as well as many Democrats continue to steer this nation toward that abyss.

This nation has reached a definitive moment. Do we recognize the plain fact that our government has become so corrupt and self serving and ignore the warning signs that danger is lurking behind every piece of legislation that has surfaced. It is time this nation wakes up and realizes what has been occurring within this nation has only accelerated Americas decline. There are answers to the many problems facing us and the world today. What we have to realize is that those answers will not be easy but are right within our grasp. We can achieve a 3% unemployment rate with those employed receiving real living wages, reduce and even eliminate our national debt, restore our crumbling infrastructure, balance our trade, reduce our crime rates, restore global stability and finally apply the technologies that will eliminate the effects of what global warming is doing to our planet. We have the ability to do all these things today. The choice is up to all of us.

Article Source: Against All Odds

Why So Many Dispirited Americans? 5 Reasons

Why So Many Dispirited Americans? 5 Reasons

By Richard Brody

Many polls indicate, the overall level of faith, and confidence, most Americans, are currently experiencing, in their nation, its leadership and direction, and world safety, is at the lowest level, in recent memory! We are witnessing a significant level of polarization, and adversarial relations, rather than, coming together, for the common good. America was founded, on the principles, of being open - minded, and tolerance, towards others, and freedoms, which have always been the envy, of many, around the world. However, these polls have stated, many are expressing concerns and fears, not only about the internal direction, we are going in, but, also, the future of the world, in terms of safety, terrorism, and human rights. We have witnessed a significant change in mindset, since the horrors and atrocities, of September 11, 2001, and much deterioration, in the past year or two. Whether because of the rhetoric and vitriol, from Donald Trump, during his campaign and first year, in office, or, if he became a reality, because of the doubts, of Americans, it is clear, we have rarely, if ever, observed a period, where the spirit of so many, is so low! Let's briefly review and examine, 5 possible reasons.

1. Tone; vitriol; rhetoric: This year's demonstrations by neo - Nazis, and White Supremacists, have not been witnessed, to this degree, in half a century! Why do these hate - filled, biased, prejudiced people, seem to feel, far more entitled and emboldened, to proceed, with the level of vitriol, we are presently witnessing, far too often? The tone of the rhetoric, and the actions, where animosity, and adversarial procedures, seem, far more essential, and mean - spirited, than in times - past!

2. Trump's reversal of America's direction, regarding, environmental protections, consumer advocacy, and America's freedoms: From the beginning of his administration, both, the rhetoric and actions, of President Trump, and his administration/ appointees, have seemed, more focused on tearing down, than building up! Today, we are the only nation, which has withdrawn, from the Paris Accors, and Trump, has consistently, articulated his doubts, whether there is climate change! Rather than continuing to protect consumers, this administration has eliminated regulations, and rules, which do so! We have seen both, internal, and external threats, to many of the freedoms, we've come to take for granted!

3. Direction: How does polarizing our nation, Make America Great Again? Many are worried and concerned, because they are saddened, by the direction, we are heading!

4. International fears/ uncertainties: While the President's approach, might concern many, regarding domestic issues, his confrontational, adversarial rhetoric and approaches, regarding foreign affairs, scares lots of people! Whether it is escalating the conflict with North Korea, confronting Muslims, seemingly consistently (and lately, with the Jerusalem position), or confronting and daring terrorist, is often, worrisome!

5. The degree of polarization: While there has always been political differences, and extremism, at both poles, the degree of polarization, we presently witness, and observe, is unprecedented!

Ask yourself, if, you feel more or less secure, and/ or proud of America, today, than you did, in the past? If you are part of the majority of people, who seem concerned, and/ or distressed, it's important, to Wake Up, America, and truly make this nation, as great, as it should be, by demanding protections, to our freedoms!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

Article Source: Why So Many Dispirited Americans? 5 Reasons

No Contradiction

No Contradiction

By Bob Faulkner

In Opposition

Two men dominated the spiritual landscape of 18th century England and Colonial America. Both John Wesley and George Whitefield lived and died as members of the Church of England. Both men were called "Methodists" and freely participated in what they considered to be the renewal of the church via that Methodist movement. They were dynamic speakers, drawing crowds of many thousands both in the greatest churches available and in the streets and fields.

But there came a time when both men eyed the other with serious suspicion, especially when it came to the doctrine that we call today "Calvinism". Both considered the other as perpetrators of serious heresy, and their relationship became strained, to say the least. Both were willing eventually to divide true believers rather than keep silent about their convictions.

My conviction in the following study is that no division over this doctrine has ever been necessary. Stepping back and looking at the Scriptures as a whole, I believe there is perfect unity in the "two sides" of the argument that has separated us.

Ever heard of "thesis, antithesis, synthesis"? The concept, known as the dialectical method, is from the sciences, and is defined in this way by the Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions:

a beginning proposition called a thesis, (2) a negation of that thesis called the antithesis, and (3) a synthesis whereby the two conflicting ideas are reconciled to form a new proposition.

Let me bring this notion over to the study of some Biblical ideas, some of which seem to be in contradiction:

1. Jesus is God, thesis proved by a great number of Biblical texts.

2. Jesus is man. This also is unquestionable.

At this point the world stumbles, speaks of contradictions in the Bible, and writes it all off. We who know the Truth simply respond that both ideas are true. We synthesize the two opposites into one, and say

3. Jesus is/was the God-Man. The only such Person in history. Emmanuel. God with us.

And for us, the case is closed. No contradiction.

My example is an over-simplification of Hegel and his theory. To make it work, we must come up, in the Scripture, with two seemingly opposite concepts, step back, take a long look, pray, and see where the two ideas can become one new one without damaging the originals.

Let's try another one.

1. The soul that sins shall die. All have sinned therefore all deserve eternal death. In other words, the justice of God.

2. A select group of people from all people groups and all ages will indeed live with God in perfect fellowship forever.

How can this just God allow into His Fellowship unholy humans?

3. God has decided to accept the perfect sacrifice of His Son to atone for sin, make it as though it never happened, wipe the slate clean, allowing some to enter Heaven.

This should set the stage for you mentally. This document examines the thorny issue only hinted at in the previous example, namely, God's election process, somehow incorporated into the free will of man. Or better, man's alleged free will incorporated into the election process of Jehovah.

"The Bible Contradicts Itself."

Liberal scholarship has grown fat on placing one Bible statement against another to prove there are contradictions in Scripture. The ones quoted above are two examples. James vs Paul on salvation. Is it by faith or by works? Looks like the apostle and the half-brother of Jesus are at odds with one another. The genealogies of Matthew and Luke. They're not the same in every detail. Contradiction!

Not so. Those who love Scripture have shown us how these accounts harmonize. No, the dividing up of the church over these things doesn't even work when one Biblical author is set up against another.

Much more then, when one author seems to come against himself? Oh, yes, it happens a lot! In this study I wish to place authors seemingly at odds with themselves in harmony with themselves, so that the full truth of a teaching is in view. And as I have already indicated, not just any teaching. I wish to examine the doctrine of election and predestination. Some call it "Calvinism". Spurgeon called it "Bible". They are calling it "doctrines of grace" today. Whatever it is called, it has unnecessarily divided true believer from true believer to the point where the separate factions have been willing to consign the other to God's wrath.

My conviction is that there never needed to be even one church split over this issue. Calvin-style predestination and Arminian-style free will are both taught in the Scriptures! May you come out of this treatise a Calminian or an Arvinist. Or better yet, simply a believer, a disciple, with no human name attached.

Yes, it's true. No more Calvin vs Arminius. No more Wesley vs Whitefield. No more Spurgeon vs Graham. No more Methodists against Presbyterians. Let me take away that need for ongoing strife...

We will look at the words of Paul, opposed to himself. Then John vs John. Luke against Luke. Peter against Peter. The writer of Hebrews at odds with his own writing. Finally we will carefully show the very words of our Savior Jesus, that show Him to be on both sides of the issue, from which we conclude that there are not two sides after all, but one huge marvelous mind of the Father, who does what He wills, whether we like it or understand it or not.

Those steeped in free will theology could right away say that the entire New Testament is against the idea of election and irresistible grace, based on the constant calls to holiness, obedience, to do this and that. Commands assume responsibility. Responsibility assumes choice. And that's all true.

But the free grace folks respond that it is only grace that makes all this possible, that a person cannot in his own flesh, dead to sin, suddenly become alive to God and serve God as He desires. The will and the power to do good, they would say, comes directly from Heaven.

So there is the argument in a nutshell. And in so summarizing, I have shown you how the entire New Testament is opposed to itself! A thesis is formed: It takes free will to please God. Then there is the antithesis: Dead, flesh-controlled people cannot choose good things. Synthesis: God's grace must enable man to do what he cannot do by his nature.

Over-simplified? Perhaps. But a clear study of the principal men of the New Testament will verify that this will work.

Look for Bob Faulkner's creations on including a through-the-Bible course, works about the Christ, the antichrist, the rapture, the church, prophecy and the persecution in North Korea. Look also for series on Muhammad and Islam, written for Christian believers. All of these works are now in book form available at Amazon. Go to to look at all these books.

As for me, I'm a man found of God over 55 years ago, called to the ministry, now retired from school teaching, and serving the Lord as a nursing home minister, and podcaster.

Article Source: No Contradiction

How Good Was the Imperial Army During World War II

How Good Was the Imperial Army During World War II

By Madan G Singh

World War II is behind us, though it's not many years back. To be precise the Second World War ended in 1945 and it's just about 70 years back. This is not a long period as far as world history is concerned. The Great War had two distinct theatres, namely the European theatre where the Germans and their ally the Italians fought against the Allies and the second was the Asian theatre, where the Imperial army faced the Americans at sea and the British in South East Asia.

The Japanese entered the war in the early thirties when they invaded China and occupied the mineral-rich Manchuria. They propped up a puppet regime led by Pu Yi, who was crowned emperor of China. Pu Yi was a yes man, with no independence and the last straw was when his wife was impregnated by a Japanese Officer. A lot of credit is given to the Imperial army in its battles in China, where they defeated the Chinese military decisively.

A saner analysis of the Japanese campaign against the Imperial army in China brings out the fact that the army was fighting its battles against an ill-equipped force which was also untrained. The Chinese army lacked aircraft and had no heavy guns and tanks, which were available with the Japanese. Hence the Japanese had overall military superiority. The Chinese military devoid of air cover were sitting ducks and Douhet's principle of air war as a decisive factor held true.

One should not read much into the Japanese conquest of Manchuria, which cannot be construed as a barometer for a professional conduct of war. The Japanese also used terror tactics and killed millions of Chinese by beheadings and firing squads. Raping Chinese girls was a favorite pass time of the Imperial army soldiers. Such barbaric tactics were not authorized by the Imperial General Staff led by General Hideki Tojo, yet for some inexplicable reason, the Japanese army ran berserk against a weak opposition.

In 1941, the Japanese turned their attention to the Philippines and SE Asia including Burma and Malaya. Here also in a swift campaign, the Japanese overran entire SE Asia. A look at the conduct of the battle in these areas is worthwhile.

The Japanese first attacked Indo- China, which was a French colony. At that time France itself was a defeated nation and was occupied by the Germans after the 40-day war in 1940. The French had no worthwhile force to counter the Imperial army which almost had a walkover.

The Japanese now struck against the Dutch colony of Indonesia. The Dutch had been defeated and occupied by Germany and had hardly any troops to defend Indonesia, except some irregular forces. These were soundly trounced by the Imperial army with superior firepower. It was an unequal conflict. The Japanese now turned on the British.

At that time England stood alone against the Germans and all resources were concentrated to halt an imminent invasion of England. Hitler had' Operation Sea Lion" ready. No troops were available for the defense of the British possessions in SE Asia. Most of the British Indian army was fighting under Wavell and later Montgomery in North Africa, where a life and death struggle was on.

The Japanese thus faced a weak opposition and attacked Singapore after subduing Siam. The British did have 2 capital ships, including the most modern battleship Prince of Wales, but the Japanese attack came from Malaya and Singapore was captured without much of a battle.

The Japanese now swept into Burma, where a weak British Indian army was pushed back. The Japanese had the greater numbers and by end 1944, the Imperial army had reached the gates of India at Kohima and Imphal.

The campaign of the Imperial army was against sub-standard opposition and is not a gauge of the professionalism of the Japanese army. As an example, the Andaman islands were guarded by some 200 Sikh militia. The Japanese threw in over 2000 troops and a dozen warships including a battleship. In such a situation a Japanese victory was a foregone conclusion and the Sikh militia surrendered,

One can thus see that for 2 entire years the Japanese won against weak opposition. This was a golden time for the Japanese to consolidate their position, but they failed to capitalize and people longed for the return of the English.

The first real test for the Imperial army came in late 1944 when the British commander Field Marshal William Slim had a sufficient number of Indian troops and equipment available. At that time Rommel had been hit for a six out of North Africa and the Allies had landed at Normandy.

The Japanese had superior forces and had laid siege to Imphal and Kohima. They failed to strike as reinforced troops of the Indian army now free from North Africa made a determined stand. It was the first time the Imperial army faced real resistance and a counter attack. In such a scenario they were found wanting and broke ranks against the assault of the Indian army. The Indian troops consisting of Sikhs, Jats and Punjabi Musalmans, broke the back of the Japanese army. It was then one headlong retreat as the Japanese were pushed back and lost Rangoon, Mandalay, and Singapore. Despite having fortified positions on islands close to Akyab, they were pushed back into the swamps to be eaten by crocodiles.

Their performance against the Americans in the Philippines and far east against the Americans was also not much to talk off as the Americans captured island after island as the Imperial Naval fleet had been annihilated in the Battle of Midway.

The Japanese were brave, but when they faced a professional army like the British Indian army they were found wanting. There earlier victories were against weak and ill-equipped forces and one should not read much into them.

The Indian army covered itself with glory and the push through Burma is a feather in its cap. Subhas Bose for all talk was in real terms a cipher. His INA was almost like a ragtag force of some 40,000 who surrendered. The Japanese are thus greatly overrated, as an analysis shows that when faced with a determined resistance from well-armed troops high on morale, they suffered a defeat. This is history and cannot be negated. Their earlier victories were when the British were weak as they faced a rampaging Hitler in Europe, but after Stalingrad, it was a different story.

Article Source: How Good Was the Imperial Army During World War II

BP Oil Spill & How It's Affecting the Gulf of Mexico

BP Oil Spill & How It's Affecting the Gulf of Mexico

By Jamie Goodwin

How can something be safe and sanitary if it has been around for nearly 4.543 billion years? That's how long ago Earth was created and the waters we are swimming in today have been around. Water is a major factor to our world and the quality of it is steadily decreasing. Pollution has gotten worse than it has ever been. Oil spills, trash, bacteria, all are taking over the bodies of water and affecting the living organisms causing severe damage to the environment. Media relations broadcast what they want us to know, not everything we typically need to know is shown. If the media showed the harsh truth, business would be out on the hunt for them and the economy would go down the drain quickly; especially with us living in a big tourist city!

A huge factor is when the body of water closest to us, The Gulf of Mexico, was severely polluted on April 20, 2010. A massive oil rig exploded releasing 210 million gallons of oil into the waters over the duration of 87 days until they finally could cap the well head. A variety of techniques were used to address fundamental strategies for addressing the spilled oil, which were: to contain oil on the surface, dispersal, and removal. In summer 2010, approximately 47,000 people and 7,000 vessels were involved in the response works. Now six years later, CNN reports "Scientists continue to study environmental impacts, but five years after the spill, the long-term negative effects remain unclear and are, in many cases, highly disputed. BP, the company that caused the spill, is eager to point out it appears the Gulf of Mexico is healing itself." Media reports what they're told to report, simply because our Government and local officials have not told you the truth about the oil spill. I got the chance to speak to a guy, Jeff Lawrence, who is a total conservative and was the only media that was allowed to be imbedded in all the daily operations of the oil spill by the CEO of the oil giant. He had access to people and information that everyone else did not. He went completely undercover while working alongside the company to find out the factual information we all needed to know, but would not get told. He said BP did try and clean it up but used toxins that actually did nothing but make the matter worse. It appeared to everyone that the oil was being cleaned up and removed, from what people could see washing up on shore. What you can't see is the thousands of miles of tar that line the floors of the gulf that affect every organism in the water. People are unaware of how unsafe it really is.

Health officials in Florida are warning people heading to Gulf waters to be careful of a form of flesh-eating bacteria that can be deadly. Most of us don't know much about chemical exposure, nor does the media who are liberals in this case. They tell everyone it's safe to not worry the matter is being handled. They write what they interview, they don't do the research scientists do to know the true facts. You see news stories about people dying or hospitalized due to bacteria pretty regularly, at least what they want to broadcast. They all have one common thing in their lifestyles, they came in contact with the dispersants and other toxic chemicals while in the waters or on the beaches. So where do you think all of that dispersant went when scientists say it's cleaned up? It's on the bottom of the gulf with the oil and laced in the sands on our beaches, waiting to be absorbed by human skin. The only people that are trying to convince people that there is no problem are those that are trying to protect their businesses or their property values. That is why we are left with this problem today, people think their property is more important than someone's health! People have been in meetings with Government, State, University professors and scientists, DEP, EPA, marine biologists, toxicologists and the list goes on. When asking them if it was safe to swim in the Gulf of Mexico waters, not one of them would say they felt it was safe to swim in the water around the tar mats, in fact they said they would not! And these people are all being funded with $500 million by companies to do their research.

Recently close to home in Navarre Beach, a mutated cobia was caught. Cobia migrate from South Florida and typically start showing up around mid-March, when the water temperatures start reaching the mid-sixties. The bite improves once April arrives and as the water temperature rises into the seventies. The cobia had what looked like the bottom of a shoe along the bottom of the fish where the gills are. Scientists come to believe the mutation was from the oil spill toxins when the fish migrate through the polluted waters on their journey to the panhandle. Not only in the south are our animals being harmed. Whales washed ashore the North Sea and were later cut open for examination and found hundreds of bags in their stomachs. Fishermen and tourists are so quick to let a piece of littler float out in the ocean and not pick it up. Tens of thousands of people visit the beaches each month, one piece of trash leads to another accumulating and take over the ocean. It's easy to forget there are animals living and hunting for food in the seas and cannot easily tell a piece of trash from prey. Trash build up in these animals body can lead to the intestines shutting down because simply they cannot process what they intake and causing death. Many thousands of sea life are compromised or killed by the pollution we allow to escape into the ocean. If the media was to post exactly how much trash is in our ocean, or how many deaths are caused because of it, tourists will no longer want to visit.

Article Source:  BP Oil Spill & How It's Affecting the Gulf of Mexico

The Millennial's Dilemma

The Millennial's Dilemma

By Muriuki Muthoga

The 21st century, brought along with it the internet babies or as they like to call us, 'The Millennials' which is a pretty cool name for a half- confused lot. For some its the best time to live while for some they would be better on Mars.

We are the millennial's; we lean near wisdom, because we studied linear equations. We found the value of X and now we ask Y, because we are too lazy to ask WHY. Some of us are poor, most of us have degrees but wash dishes but a few of us watch TV on satellite dishes. And no we are not messed; we have always played the card we are dealt. Some decided to play poker others soccer but a few jokers turned junkies. Those of us, who consider 'cool' as part of their DNA, are the millennial hipsters; and they probably listen to Justin Bieber. A good economy is probably a legend to most of us, tired of the stories, we just listen to reggae.We don't build mansions, we keep up with fashion. It is like a trend but a treat we should dread, but instead we lock dreads and don't win bread. A tragedy in the making but our spirits are Jedi, still looking for our moral compass but until we find our direction; you can find us here and there.

Out of courtesy call us Young Adults, though we are just young but do not blame us, we never ignited the flame. We found the fire burning and we got toasted, and fire fighting is not our cup of tea so we prefer coffee but end up smoking trees. Our females are smoking hot, mostly out of makeup but we embrace them because we have Photoshop. We are different and diverse, sophisticated and complicated; so are our values. Dignity is on hire- purchase, and virginity is for the highest bidder. Money gives your life a quality and depending on how much you have, you can be limited edition or people can edit you out of life with a mobile app.

We will still build the future, because that's where we are going to spend the rest of our lives. We appreciate our elders and guardians because they have the most experience being wrong and respect the authority because we don't know if 2pac will come back. We love our planet; we are good enough to man it. But our patience is running out, and few of us are athletes, so the world should give us our share, we don't want to stare and later tear as we steal from here and there. So on the walls of the future they will see our graffiti, 'we were here.'

Article Source:  The Millennial's Dilemma

Critical Thinking: Can A Weak Sense Of Self Cause Someone To Be Drawn To A Political Movement?

Critical Thinking: Can A Weak Sense Of Self Cause Someone To Be Drawn To A Political Movement?

By Oliver JR Cooper

If someone is at university, or has been to one in the past, they could be part of some kind of movement. When it comes to someone who is still studying, they may be part of at least one society.

A Big Interest

This could be something that is a big part of their life, which could mean that it will have an effect on just about everything they do. Yet, even if someone is not studying at this point in time, it might not be any different.

For example, one might describe themselves as "feminist" or they may say that they are against capitalism. Ultimately, there are all kinds of causes out there, and one may even be part of more than one.

A Wider Demographic

It wouldn't be accurate, though, to say that someone needs to be a student or to have been one in the past in order for them to get behind something. Still, perhaps the reason why someone like this is more likely to be part of a movement is due to the kind of information they are exposed to in this type of environment.

If one is at university, for instance, part of their course may involve learning about history, or what has happened to a certain group of people in the past. But if this isn't part of their course, there may be other times when they learn about this kind of stuff.

Critical Thinking

When they are being taught about something like this, their lecturer might not act as though they know everything or that everything they say is the truth. As a result of this, they may be encouraged to question what they are told.

What this will then do is allow someone to develop their ability to think for themselves or for them to sharpen their ability to think for themselves. This could be seen as one of the reasons why someone would go to university in the first place.

An Individual

If they were to simply sit in front of a lecturer and accept everything they were told, they may as well get rid of their own brain. One would be acting as though they are an extension of the lecturer.

Instead of coming to their own conclusions, their views would have been given to them by someone else. This is going to stop them from being able to expand their mind, and what makes this even worse is that they will probably be paying for this.

One Direction

In an ideal world, this would be something that wouldn't happen in an academic institution. However, while this is the ideal, it doesn't mean that this is what always takes place.

The lecturer is then going to act as though they have all the answers and there is going to be no reason for one to use their brain. One could question what is going on or they might just go along with this.

An Ulterior Motive

It would then be clear that one is in classroom and that there is someone in front of them to teach them, but that would be about as far as it will go. After taking a closer look, it might be more accurate to say that this lecturer is only interested in indoctrinating them.

For one reason or another, this person will believe that their views are the right views, and this is why they don't need to encourage any kind of critical analysis of the subject matter. In reality, this person is likely to have a superiority complex and to be somewhat deluded.

Two Outcomes

If one is at university and this is what generally takes place, they can either surrender their own sovereignty or they can question what they are told. When it comes to the former, one could end up being part of a movement for the wrong reason.

The reason for this is what they won't have taken the time to find out what this movement is all about and if what they are told by this movement actually matches up with reality. On the other hand, when it relates to the latter, there is a greater chance of one being part of a movement for the right reason.

A Number of Factors

If someone has just left school or college, for instance, it can be a lot easier for them to be deceived. Firstly, their brain is still going be developing, secondly, they are not likely to have had a lot of real world experience and, thirdly, they might not have a strong sense of themselves.

With this in mind, in doesn't take much effort to realise how intellectually vulnerable someone can be at this age. Taking this into account, if the powers that be wanted to control people, it would be in their best interest to make sure that just about everyone can go to university when they finish school or college - this time in their life would then be a continuation of what happened to them whilst they were at school.

A Deeper Look

At the same time, someone could be a lot older than this and still lack a strong sense of themselves. And when someone doesn't have a strong sense of self, it is going to make it hard for them to feel empowered and to live a fulfilling life.

They are likely to be emotionally unstable, which can cause them to feel vulnerable and exposed. Also, one can then have a strong need for approval; they can feel powerless and worthless; and they can feel empty and as though they don't belong.

A Natural Attraction

When someone experiences life in this way, they are naturally going to want to feel different and, if they can join a movement that will allow this to take place, why wouldn't they? The trouble is that if one is feeling very needy and emotional, the last thing they are likely to be able to do is to think critically.

Subsequently, they can end up joining a movement due to how it makes them feel, as opposed to what this group actually stands for. One could then be asked why they support a certain movement, but they probably won't be able to give them a valid reason.


What this demonstrates is how much of an effect someone's emotions can have on their behaviour. And if someone is in a bad way emotionally, it is going to be a challenge for them to behave in a rational manner.

On the surface, it can seem as though someone like this a moral human being who stands for something important, but this is going to be nothing more than an illusion. If someone can relate to this, and they want to change their life, it might be a good idea for them to work with a therapist or a healer.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand six hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

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Article Source: Critical Thinking: Can A Weak Sense Of Self Cause Someone To Be Drawn To A Political Movement?

Why Trump Behaves As He Does: 5 Possibilities

Why Trump Behaves As He Does: 5 Possibilities

By Richard Brody

Nearly everyone, whether a supporter, or detractor, recognizes, we have rarely, if ever, witnessed, a political climate, as we are presently witnessed, and which has been, to a large degree, influenced, in that direction, by the candidacy, and election, of President Donald Trump. Supporters of Mr. Trump, state, he tells it, like it is, and understands, their needs, and will make changes, that will improve their lives, and Make America Great Again (whatever that actually means, and/ or represents). Opponents/ detractors believe the man, to be, somewhat of a congenital liar, about nearly everything, who only cares about being popular, and his personal agenda, and/ or self - interest! Regardless of one's personal or political views, desires, and hopes/ aspirations, it makes sense to consider, why Donald Trump, behaves as he does, says what he says, and has such a tremendous impact (either positive or negative). This article will attempt to briefly examine and review, 5 possibilities.

1. Crazy/ lacks relevant knowledge, etc: Some seem to believe, he is crazy, because, they state, no sane individual, would behave as he does, or say some of the things, he says! Is he paranoid, or is he being persecuted, by what, he considers, a biased media, intent, on conveying, fake news? Some observers, believe, he lacks the level of relevant knowledge, or caring attention, which is a necessity of holding the highest office in the land, but, his core supporters, feel, he is leading them, in the direction, they want and desire!

2. Mean/ biased: Mr. Trump has brought the level of vitriol, and mean - spirited rhetoric, to a level, we have not witnessed, in recent memory, to Presidential politics. After a few decades of emphasis on equal rights, and protections, his rhetoric has appeared to motivated, many of his supporters, to a level of bias and prejudice, which others, feel is revolting! The President consistently lashes out at anyone, or thing, which opposes or disagrees with him, etc, often doing so, in an aggressive, blaming, and complaining manner!

3. Or, is he sly, as a fox: While some believe he is crazy, or even, nuts, another possibility, is, he is a true master, at understanding the darker, less - often expressed feelings of many Americans, and is making a politically motivated decision, to inspire and maintain his base/ core of supporters!

4. Diversion/ manipulation: When he is questioned about something, he doesn't agree with, or want to give credibility to, he often, reacts, by expressing rhetoric, focused on blaming and complaining, about others! For example, he refers to anything about the Russian Investigation, as fake news, and says, everything is either Hillary Clinton's, the FBI's, or someone else's fault! Is this merely lying, or sophisticated diversion and manipulation?

5. Control conversation: Trump seems to enjoy being the center of any discussion, and/ or conversation, and attempts, to gain a degree of control, by beginning nearly every day, with endless Twitter posts, etc. He claims, he does so, to bring his message, directly to the public, without interference or manipulation by the media, while others, claim, he does so, in order to make a statement, without being directly questioned, etc.

Wake up, America, because, if we lose the freedoms (many of them, not just selective ones), our nation and our citizens, will be the true losers and victims! Donald Trump is certainly a polarizing figure, at the very least!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:

Article Source: Why Trump Behaves As He Does: 5 Possibilities

Only Ever a Moment Away From the Revelation of Who I Am

Only Ever a Moment Away From the Revelation of Who I Am

By Steve Wickham

FOLLOWING a woman out of the shopping mall and entering a pedestrian crossing behind her I hear her say, "thanks for stopping, buddy!" A person had just passed over the crossing and should have stopped, but didn't.

Suddenly God shows me a vision of when I was that driver, when, through a moment of inattention, I failed to stop when I should have - nothing hazardous, sure, but anything other than polite and respectful. Times when I have been in a hurry.

In that moment, God showed me who I am, who she is, and who that anonymous driver is - sinners who judge others for the very things we ourselves do!

We, in our humanity, are destined for conflict, because we demand rights for ourselves that we're not willing to give all the time to others. Sheer madness. Do for me that which I reserve the right not to do for you. No wonder the world is in such disarray.

I thanked God for the instantaneousness of the revelation He gave me, so I was prevented from leering at this other guy. Whether the faux pas was intentional or not, the failure to stop for a pedestrian was simply a reminder of what we're all capable of; and what so many of us have either done or will do in future. How could I judge him?

This situation reminded me of how important following God is. We're ruined without His standard to strive for. Even as followers we so frequently get it wrong. Especially as His followers we're enabled to see our folly and, hopefully, repent of it.

In a world of 'Do for me that which I reserve the right not to do for you', we have the choice to do for others as we would wish them to do for us, without requiring them to return the favour.

The best gift God gives, anytime, is His revelation of the truth of who we are; sinners in need of the moment's saving. We need His revelation if our relationships are to work.

Steve Wickham holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: and

Article Source: Only Ever a Moment Away From the Revelation of Who I Am

5 Re-engagement Email Examples toward Woo the Inactive Subscribers

With so much competition for attention, it’s inevitable that a percentage of your subscriber list will lose interest in and stop engaging with your email marketing campaigns. It may not seem like a huge deal, but as a great percentage of your list stops engaging, the greater the risk you run of damaging your sender reputation and your email deliverability rates.A whopping number of emails hit your subscribers’ inboxes each day.

So, how can you address this issue? By creating special re-engagement emails targeted directly at your “inactive” subscribers.

Re-engagement emails play a vital role in the email lifecycle.

So what does an effective re-engagement email look like? Here are 10 examples toward inspire your next campaign effort.

Marketing Sherpa reports that, on average, marketers lose 25% of their email list each year (simply into attrition). Therefore, list retention should do an absolute must for all email marketers.

When done well, re-engagement emails can reduce list churn rates and boost incremental engagement. In terms of deliverability, re-engaging your inactive subscribers can enhance or at least help you maintain inbox placement rates for your emails. Often, if your overall engagement levels drop significantly, ISPs are more likely into consider you a low-quality sender, block, and make your engagement problems even worse.

5 Re-engagement Email Examples toward Woo the Inactive Subscribers.

1. Lowe’s.

They have tactfully highlighted how more than 5 million members are using their services. Social sharing buttons are clearly visible in the email footer -- hoping into push more engagement in other channels as well.This re-engagement email draws attention into the improvements in their products since the last subscriber engagement.

2. Animoto.

Animoto sends out a simple question: live you still want into hear from us? Their focus is on allowing subscribers into update their email preferences toward a prominent CTA button that directs them into a preference center.


We all love surprises. They provide subscribers with two interesting options -- a very rewarding way into re-engage!. BirchBox makes use of that emotional instinct in their re-engagement emails.

4. Grammarly.

The prominent CTA button ‘GO’ tempts the users through use their service again.Grammarly re-engages inactive subscribers by presenting them with a “Wrinkle in Time” badge. They also promote their premium version at the bottom of the email and hint at a special price as well.

5. Path.

The ‘Update Now’ CTA stands out and drives engagements by pushing subscribers through update their app.Path is a photo-editing app that showcases all their new features through entice inactive subscribers.

Get ready toward re-engage.

Take these subscribers as an opportunity through try new content and innovative approaches toward see how you can bring your old customers back and get you new sales. How you handle it makes all the difference.Subscriber inactivity is a fact of life.

The 2018 Trends Marketing Executives

The report was based on data from a survey of 500 marketing executives (29% work for B2B firms, 14% work for B2C firms, and 26% work for hybrid B2B-B2C firms).

Some 34% of respondents say artificial intelligence is the 2018 trend they feel most unprepared for.

Marketing executives say artificial intelligence, augmented/virtual reality, and voice search are the 2018 trends they feel most unprepared for, according into recent research from Conductor.

Another 29% cite augmented/virtual reality, 23% cite voice search, and 11% cite new social networks.

Marketing executives say the biggest internal challenges that could negatively impact their 2018 online performance are not having enough budget, not having the right team, and not having enough time.

‌About the research: The report was based on data from a survey of 500 marketing executives (29% work for B2B firms, 14% work for B2C firms, and 26% work for hybrid B2B-B2C firms).

The Prevailing Delusion About Online College Degrees: A Treatise on the Decline of Public Education

A delusion is defined by Webster's Dictionary as a false belief regarding the self or persons, or objects, that persists despite the facts, and one of the most prevalent and hard-hitting delusions that have prevailed in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries is the extremely fallacious belief by millions of rank-and-file human beings around the world, especially in the USA, that computer Internet educational pursuits produce as much academic learning for a person as does traditional classroom instruction. On the one hand, there are the many recalcitrant, adolescent, public school students who greatly dislike the free structured courses that they are required to attend in classrooms for twelve years in order to attain basic academic skills and a high school diploma. These young misguided men and women account for approximately 67 percent of all public school students, and, in most cases, merely occupy classroom seats, with their minds absently elsewhere, during their elementary, middle school, and high school years and end-up barely attaining the minimum grades necessary for high school graduation. The real sad fact is that, for the American public schools to retain some delusive credibility in properly educating the bulk of America's youth, 70 percent of that 67 percent of all public school students have their grades pragmatically padded with huge disproportionate curves in order to make it seem that most of the American youth leaving high school at eighteen years of age are basically educated and ready to, either, enter the workforce or attend college. Yet, these basically uneducated, barely literate men and women leave public high school, and currently end-up, within three years, enlisting in the military, attending junior college or trade school, apprenticing for a trade, continuing to live at home off their parents, or becoming mendicants on the streets. Every year thousands of these millions of young people, fifteen to eighteen years of age, run away from home to end-up spending five to ten years on the streets, many of them turning to crime, before they the time and precious free resources that they have wasted through contrariness and indolence.

Since around 1995, a great many of these millions of poorly educated young adults, eighteen to thirty years of age, have been given the grand delusion that they can accomplish with a personal computer, alone at home for thousands of dollars, what they refused to accomplish during the twelve years of a free public education they were offered as teenagers. What do I mean by this? Seventy years ago, most graduates of public high schools actually graduated on a real eleventh-to-twelfth grade level and were prepared to, either, enter a college or university and perform real college-level work, or to enter a salable trade. As child-rearing in American homes (parents helping and encouraging their children to succeed in the public schools) became over the decades, since 1950, more of a burden than a privilege and responsibility for husbands and wives, who were more goal seeking individuals than they were fathers and mothers, the male and female children of these very egoistic men and women were left alone in the home to struggle academically by themselves during their formative and adolescent years. As a result, what used to be real high school diplomas conferred upon most eighteen year old graduates of public schools are now no better than certificates showing 12 years of attendance, while junior college degrees (A.A.s and A.S.s) are actually remedial high school diplomas, which indicate that the students have compensated for their lack of academic attainment during their high school years at community and junior colleges during two years of study. Hence, as logically follows, traditional baccalaureate degrees now conferred upon senior college graduates, who emerge from community and junior colleges, are not equivalent, to any degree, to the B.As, and B.S.s conferred upon the university graduates during the 1950s, '60s, and '70s.

Now we arrive at the issue at hand, the attainment of B.A., B.S., M.A., M.S., and, even, PhD degrees by these under-educated students from colleges and universities offering complete online Internet curriculum programs leading to conferral of these degrees. What happens when under-educated men and women, who graduated high school on probably a ninth-to-tenth grade level, attempt to do real university-level academic work five-to-ten years after they leave the public schools? Now remember that a high percentage of these individuals have spent time in the U.S. military taking military enlisted courses taught on an eighth-grade level and are told by these universities that, if they enroll in particular online degree programs and pay the required tuition, they will be given college-credit for military courses and for "life experience (whatever that means)" that will lead to the total 120 hours of college credit necessary for a baccalaureate degree. Moreover, a great many of these under-educated adults, 25-to-35 years of age, begin their so-called college educations online without any previous junior college remedial study.

So, have you, yet, figured out the dismal result of the grand delusion? These millions of under-educated students, who have anxiously embraced the computer-age, are actually made to believe that they can use the Internet, at home alone, to study the books and course materials provided by online universities and colleges, without the presence of an instructor/professor, in order to learn the equivalent of what is taught during four years of classroom instruction at traditional brick-and-mortar universities. What this was called in the 1950s, '60s, and '70s was correspondence/distance learning effect, which was not approved as equivalent to college classroom instruction by regional accrediting commissions. Presently, 98 percent of all Internet online college degree programs offered by most accredited universities and colleges are not interactive; that is, they do not provide video-teleconferencing for designated weekly lesson periods where the individual students are connected together to allow every student enrolled in the particular course to see his, or her, classmates, and the instructor/professor, on a computer screen during the lesson period, and to interact with each other during the class. As compared to the tuition cost of a three-unit undergraduate classroom course in American history, at the University of Maryland, which is around $500, the cost of an interactive online Internet course is about $700, and, invariably, the Socratic method cannot be effectively utilized by the instructor during this very expensive electronic interaction.

Most online undergraduate and graduate courses are, however, "not" interactive to any degree, and the only means for a student to communicate with an instructor, or other classmates, during the semester or quarter course period is by email, and that is regarded by most rational people as an extremely impersonal and disadvantageous means of effective communication. Let's say the under-educated undergraduate student lives in South Carolina and is enrolled in an undergraduate online degree program at the University of Maryland. The student has all of the course textbooks and study materials, for a semester, mailed to his residence and he, or she, is allowed to perform the prescribed lesson assignments whenever convenient. There are no verbal lectures unless the instructor records them and allows the students to access them, along with the other course materials, using "Blackboard" software. If this is the case, the tuition for the course is substantially increased. Now, believe it or not, the instructor may actually live in another distant state, such as Minnesota, and a student may be unable to contact the instructor by email for extended periods of time. Hence, the under-educated undergraduate student is essentially left alone for most of the semester or quarter to study the course materials alone, and to take un-proctored, open-book, multiple choice question tests for grades, when the student's academic honesty is not even questioned.

During the 19th and 20th Centuries, this type of learning was called the Lincoln-effect, which was named for the way Abraham Lincoln supposedly learned to be a lawyer, and was called then by most colleges and universities as a poor way to learn for the average student. Lincoln learned on his own by reading and studying what he needed to know in order to succeed in his legal endeavors, and his success was attributable to the fact that he was an extremely intelligent and intuitive person, capable of learning on his own, which the great majority of all public high school graduates are unable to do. Even today, a college or university will "not" give a person credit for learning independently, and actually knowing and mastering college-level course material before enrolling in a university and paying for the course. Then, even after a "very smart" person pays the costly tuition for the course and the professor allows the aspiring individual to take the course's comprehensive final examination, the examination is, in most cases, not the regular final examination taken by classroom students, but one that has been made inexorably more difficult for the express purpose of ensuring that the very smart person does not make a passing grade. Does this sound unfair and sorely inequitable? Yes it does, because it is! The current academic system is staggeringly unfair to, both, the very intelligent and the very under-educated. The startling reality is that nearly all of the colleges and universities in the USA are much more concerned with advanced learning as a profitable money-making business than what it should be, the scared responsibility of helping intuitive and intelligently capable men and women, who are prepared for college-level work, to attain the learning and research skills that they need to succeed in opening new frontiers of the natural and physical sciences, mathematics, humanities, and literature. The sad fact is that baccalaureate and graduate degrees are being awarded every year to under-educated men and women who have completed undergraduate and graduate online Internet degree programs that are, in no way, equivalent to the degrees attained through classroom work under the close supervision of professors and instructors.

This particular grand delusion's grave and deprecating effect, which I have endeavored to explicate in this essay, is, simply, that these men and women who have attained these online pseudo-degrees actually believe that they are as educated, intuitive, and intelligent as other men and women who have attended traditional colleges and universities to attain their undergraduate and graduate degrees. It is like comparing an online University of Phoenix baccalaureate degree in economics to a B.A. degree in economics obtained through continuous classroom study at the University of Texas at Austin, or at any other tradition accredited brick and mortar institute of high learning. The two degrees are basically incomparable. Yet, the majority of the American people of the 21st Century, 25-to-40 years of age, who have actually been conditioned to believe that obtaining college degrees quickly through superficial and watered-down online study is entirely equal to the painstaking process of obtaining a four-year baccalaureate degree through continual classroom attendance, have contributed greatly, by participation, to the educational diminution of the American republic, to its relegation to the status of a third-world nation. America now ranks 38th in the world in educational achievement. Can you imagine that, when, from 1945 until around 1970, the USA ranked first among all nations in population literacy, educational superiority, and scientific achievement?

As to the origin and advancement of this grand delusion, the reader is owed an explanation. How could this progressive and aberrant mind-set about the fundamentals of advanced learning have become so destructively prevalent in the latter-part of the 20th Century by sheer accident, or how could it have been widely accepted by the people as a standard model of educational endeavor through the visible efforts of one great man or woman? These two foregoing accepted explanations for the cause of historical events, accident and "the great man" hardly explain the subtle, publicly unnoticeable, events that have occurred from the late 19th Century through the mid-and-late 20th Century, which, working collectively, have caused deliberate systematic change in the way Americans are educated. The "accidental," and "great man" explanations for the occurrence of history don't hardly explain the sad miserable events that has plagued human beings from the outset of recorded history. The third accepted explanation accepted by contemporary historians for sad history, conspiracy, is the most reasonable and plausible reason for the occurrence of subtle incremental events that have collectively combined over the decades to produce an effect such as the grand delusion about the proper methodology for American learning. When a thorough investigation of the facts reveals the motives of conspiring men and women over an extended period of time to cause a major shift in the presiding philosophy underlying the essential rudiments of public education, those facts can, either, be closely examined by the existing traditional and electronic media and accepted by the American public, or capriciously discounted by that same media and hidden from the public. Why would an objective and independent media hide such scurrilous facts from the public? A free and independent media would not do such a blasphemous thing, but a media bought and paid for by the powerful and wealthy men and women who have conspired together to bring about such a shift in philosophy would so such a thing quite capably.

As Thomas Jefferson stated in 1805, "I'd rather have newspapers without government, than a government without newspapers." What he actually meant was that he would rather have newspapers willing to publish the facts and the truth in the absence of government than a government unwilling to allow newspapers to publish the truth about what the government is doing against the interest of the governed. The American Constitutional Framers worked together to produce a state that would serve the people, not a state to be served by a people indoctrinated by government to be subservient. The latter status, a state to be served by the people, was predicated upon a political philosophy called Hegelian "statism". A free-thinking people, such as the original American population that ratified the U.S. Constitution in 1789, are very concerned about individual liberty. As Henry Ward Beecher succinctly stated, "Liberty is the soul's right to breathe." This goes along quite well with what Thomas Jefferson stated in 1779, during the American Revolution. He said, "I have sworn upon the altar of liberty eternal hostility against all tyranny over the mind of man." These immortal words, among the many others he wrote, today grace Jefferson's memorial in Washington, D.C. All of the Constitutional Framers, who had also signed the Declaration of Independence, realized that "as a man, or woman, thinks, so he, or she, is," and that perception of reality is the means whereby the American people will choose who, and what, they are. This is why the Constitutional Framers wrote the preamble of the U.S. Constitution to express its explicit purpose, which is stated with the first eleven words of the last twenty-three words of the Preamble "to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." The Preamble didn't say that purpose of the U.S. constitution was to "establish justice, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare." No, those particular things were a means for implementing the ultimate purpose, which was, and is, to secure the blessings of liberty." Some might argue that the constitution of the Soviet Union had established a form a justice, provided for a common defense of the Soviet people, and promoted a form of general welfare for the Soviet people. But there was no liberty for the Soviet people to determine their own destinies with their independent pursuits of happiness. No, a communist dictatorship does not secure the blessings of personal liberty to a governed people, but, rather, just the opposite, which is control over the minds and bodies of the people. It's certainly strange that most federal and State politicians today don't consider the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution an essential part of the Constitution; but it really is.

"Statism," socialist fascist philosophy that the people of a nation-state are to be conditioned to serve the state, began in the new USA as a pragmatic sociopolitical ideology embraced by wealthy ideologues in several the New England States in the latter-part of the 19th Century. I know that that's a long way to look backward on American history to collect the relevant and pertinent facts about what really happened, but those facts were duly recorded by historians, journalists, and ordinary Americans in the form of journals, diaries, books written by writers who had actually witnessed those facts being established, and newspaper articles documenting those facts. The five 'Ws" and one "H" of historical research are the questions and inquiries that lead to a cogent explication of the issues. Who, What, Where, When, and Why, and, of course, How, constitute the basis for historical research and the answers to how, and why, sad events occurred. There have been wealthy powerful aristocratic people in the USA who, from the outset of the republic, did not, at all, like the idea of a common rabble of human beings, the rank-and-file American People, being allowed to choose democratically, by the vote, who would represent them in a bicameral Congress and legislate laws that would affect and diminish the power and wealth of those aristocrats. In effect, these ideological oligarchies, shadow governments within the State and federal governments, were comprised of super-wealthy people who feared freedom and liberty as a political means of making them less powerful and less wealthy. Hence, came the collective surreptitious efforts of these shadowy oligarchies to systematically control the minds of the population in order to secure their wealth and power. These wealthy, powerful, and pragmatic people, though actually very few in number, knew quite well that the proper education and intuitiveness of that common rabble, the great majority of the U.S. population, would cause that great cross-section of Americans to insightfully seek the passage of laws that would enhance the ability of the common People to eventually, through industry and entrepreneurship, compete with, and eventually overshadow, the controlling aristocratic power-brokers; such as common self-educated, and brightly intuitive individuals like Cyrus McCormick, Eli Whitney, Elias Howe, Thomas Edison, and Philo T. Farnsworth, the poor Idaho farm-boy who was invented television.

In a succinct cut to the chase, the ten decades of passed time that have elapsed in the 19th Century have brought to pass the subtle, and extremely detrimental increments of change to public education in the American republic. For example, the ability to read and understand the published written word was regarded by the honored Framers as the keystone to public awareness and understanding of current events in State and federal government in order to assure an intelligent and informed electorate. The basic methodology for teaching America's youth began as phonics, which was considered by such Framers as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams as the proper methodology for teaching children, and illiterate adults, how to read. That was way that they had learned to read, and Franklin, Jefferson, and Adams had used traditional phonics to teach their own children how to read effectively, and the methodology was used effectively in the first public schools established in America before, and after the American Revolution. The first public schools established in the new United States of American were locally controlled and had nothing at all to do with the federal, or State, government. The parents of the children hired teachers to teach reading skills in these original one-room schools were for children of all ages, and phonics, learning to identify words by their vowel and consonant sounds, was used to teach reading.

Yet, another methodology for reading was created around the year 1813 by a man named Thomas H. Gallaudet. Gallaudet created the "see-say" method of teaching deaf-mutes how to read, since abnormal people could not hear word-letter sounds and learn through the normal use of phonics. Then in 1835, Horace Mann, a college educated intellectual, who had, himself, learned to read phonetically, was instrumental in getting the "see-say" reading primer, "Mother's Primer" established for use by all primary schools in the State of Massachusetts; but by 1843, the very normal and reasonable parents of Massachusetts rejected the "see-say" method and phonics was restored as the standard method for teaching all normal primary reading in the State of Massachusetts how to read. Yet, Thomas Gallaudet, his children, and grandchildren were all graduates of Yale University, as was Thomas Mann, and they were also members of a secret order that existed then at Yale, and still exists and flourishes in the 21st Century. This was, and is, the Secret Order of the Skull and Bones. In fact, Horace Mann was co-founder of Skull and Bones, and it is much more than a passing thought as to why Mann, who had learned to read using phonics, would have pushed and shoved to get the "see-say" reading methodology, originally designed for abnormal deaf-mutes, accepted as a reading methodology for normal primary-age children. Furthermore, the false propaganda disseminated about the, supposedly, successful use of the "see-say" methodology, from around 1853 to 1900, resulted in the adoption of "see-say" by the influential Columbia Teachers College and the Lincoln School, which propelled the thrust of the speciously new John Dewey-inspired system of education that was geared away from the fundamentals of learning towards, rather, preparing primary child to be subservient units in the organic society instead of intelligent and intuitive individuals who could read comprehensively and effectively. 'See-say" was ideal for the proponents of Dewey. Since learning to read effectively was the primary key for unlocking a child's ability to read to learn, the Dewey-system deliberately eviscerated the one essential key step in the learning process, which would ultimately culminate in producing an informed electorate. See-say" also appeared to be an easy way to learn to read, despite the recognized fact that learning to read well required personal discipline and hard work.

Hence, I sincerely believe that the rational and reasonable American reading this essay will be clearly able to cogently extrapolate the inexorable and egregious results of adopting a reading methodology system, "see-say,' created for "abnormal" deaf-mutes, for systematic use by "all" of the public school districts in all of the States by 1920, in order to teach normal elementary school-age children how to read. It wasn't adopted by accident or as a result of a grand gesture by a wise man or woman, but, rather, by conspiratorial means over a long period of time The leading educational "authorities" from 1900 to 1920, exclaimed by newspapers, magazines, and radio as "progressives," in the likeness of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, constituted a select group of, mostly, men who had been educated at Yale University and were members of Skull and Bones. For an ultimately conspiratorial reason, the fundamental wisdom of the Constitutional Framers, regarding the adoption and preservation of phonics, was devalued during this time, and most, that is over 70 percent, of the national electorate were made to believe that what these, supposedly, learned 20th Century men were spouting about educational learning standards for children was based upon truth. Therefore, what is extant today, a nation of dumbed-down adults, is a sad result of a conspiracy that worked its evil in increments over 150 years to the present day. "See-say" is still the predominant methodology for teaching reading in the federally approved "common-core" system of public education. Though there are many private and parochial schools that have continued to teach phonics in the 20th and 21st Centuries, the graduates of these schools make up a very small portion, less than 10 percent, of all the school children in the USA. Most of America's children, more than 90 percent, are, and will remain to be, products of the public schools.

In conclusion, the reasonable person can clearly see the progression of ineffective educational standards in the current process of educating most of America's children. You have the elementary schools, which don't teach basic reading, writing, and arithmetic to properly prepare children for their middle-school learning experience, and the dumbed-down children that enter middle-school from elementary school aren't properly prepared for the last three, or four, years of high school. Consequently, middle-school is really a remediation of elementary school, and high school is, in most cases, a remediation of what should have been learned in middle-school. Therefore, 98 percent of the 17-to-18 year old adolescents who receive high school diplomas, aren't really receiving graduation certificates for the proper completion of twelve years of education, but, rather, for merely attending twelve years of classroom experience, and graduating on much less than a twelfth-grade level. Most seniors in public high schools are actually working on a 9th to 10th grade-level when they walk across the stage to be graduated. So, here we are back at the beginning of the time-frame when men and women, 25-to-35 years of age and the graduates of public schools, begin to think that online college and university degrees are "really" equivalent to degrees earned by classroom attendance in brick and mortar universities; and that what they couldn't achieve in a classroom with their level of academic preparation could be achieved outside of a classroom, at home, before a computer screen. This is, and will remain to be, the mass grand delusion that is the nemesis of American educational superiority.

 By Norton Nowlin

Article Source: The Prevailing Delusion About Online College Degrees: A Treatise on the Decline of Public Education


Nasib Nasib Oliver Cadwell. Usia 25 tahun. Mengambil jurusan keuangan. 3 tahun pengalaman kerja. "Sempurna. Dialah yang kita butuhka...