Why Trump Behaves As He Does: 5 Possibilities

Why Trump Behaves As He Does: 5 Possibilities

By Richard Brody

Nearly everyone, whether a supporter, or detractor, recognizes, we have rarely, if ever, witnessed, a political climate, as we are presently witnessed, and which has been, to a large degree, influenced, in that direction, by the candidacy, and election, of President Donald Trump. Supporters of Mr. Trump, state, he tells it, like it is, and understands, their needs, and will make changes, that will improve their lives, and Make America Great Again (whatever that actually means, and/ or represents). Opponents/ detractors believe the man, to be, somewhat of a congenital liar, about nearly everything, who only cares about being popular, and his personal agenda, and/ or self - interest! Regardless of one's personal or political views, desires, and hopes/ aspirations, it makes sense to consider, why Donald Trump, behaves as he does, says what he says, and has such a tremendous impact (either positive or negative). This article will attempt to briefly examine and review, 5 possibilities.

1. Crazy/ lacks relevant knowledge, etc: Some seem to believe, he is crazy, because, they state, no sane individual, would behave as he does, or say some of the things, he says! Is he paranoid, or is he being persecuted, by what, he considers, a biased media, intent, on conveying, fake news? Some observers, believe, he lacks the level of relevant knowledge, or caring attention, which is a necessity of holding the highest office in the land, but, his core supporters, feel, he is leading them, in the direction, they want and desire!

2. Mean/ biased: Mr. Trump has brought the level of vitriol, and mean - spirited rhetoric, to a level, we have not witnessed, in recent memory, to Presidential politics. After a few decades of emphasis on equal rights, and protections, his rhetoric has appeared to motivated, many of his supporters, to a level of bias and prejudice, which others, feel is revolting! The President consistently lashes out at anyone, or thing, which opposes or disagrees with him, etc, often doing so, in an aggressive, blaming, and complaining manner!

3. Or, is he sly, as a fox: While some believe he is crazy, or even, nuts, another possibility, is, he is a true master, at understanding the darker, less - often expressed feelings of many Americans, and is making a politically motivated decision, to inspire and maintain his base/ core of supporters!

4. Diversion/ manipulation: When he is questioned about something, he doesn't agree with, or want to give credibility to, he often, reacts, by expressing rhetoric, focused on blaming and complaining, about others! For example, he refers to anything about the Russian Investigation, as fake news, and says, everything is either Hillary Clinton's, the FBI's, or someone else's fault! Is this merely lying, or sophisticated diversion and manipulation?

5. Control conversation: Trump seems to enjoy being the center of any discussion, and/ or conversation, and attempts, to gain a degree of control, by beginning nearly every day, with endless Twitter posts, etc. He claims, he does so, to bring his message, directly to the public, without interference or manipulation by the media, while others, claim, he does so, in order to make a statement, without being directly questioned, etc.

Wake up, America, because, if we lose the freedoms (many of them, not just selective ones), our nation and our citizens, will be the true losers and victims! Donald Trump is certainly a polarizing figure, at the very least!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics: http://facebook.com/commonsense4all

Article Source: Why Trump Behaves As He Does: 5 Possibilities

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