

Hi... I'm Zahra I'm still in class IX and I'm also in my teens, even though I'm still in my teens but why I have so much burden on my mind. I have been forced to grow up since I was a child, with my family condition not doing well, this condition is what made me precocious.

One quiet night in a room Zahra was arguing with the contents of Zahra's own head. At Zahra's teens, but Zahra's burden of mind has been a lot, it's a family problem or other problems. Especially now that Zahra is in class IX, it makes Zahra even more confused thinking about where to go to school. Zahra is always required to continue learning by her mother, without her mother realizing that Zahra also needs support from her.

Until one night Zahra's mother entered Zahra's room while at that time Zahra was playing with her cellphone and talking on the phone with her lover. Even though Zahra's mother told Zahra to study but Zahra was having fun playing mobile phones.

Zahra's mother was furious with Zahra "you are playing mobile phones and you never learn to be told to learn and even play cellphones," Zahra's mother said in a high tone. Zahra couldn't help but fall silent as she said to herself "Mom can only demand that I learn without mom realizing I also need support from her", Zahra said silently.

But on the other hand Zahra has a lover who always gives Zahra support, Boy her name. Boy who has been supporting Zahra. "I'm sure you can definitely get through all these problems I will always be beside you", Boy said with a faint smile to Zahra, Zahra also returned with a sweet smile also saying "Yes, dear makasi you have been giving me support so far", Boy also replied "Yes, love you both".

The two of them were out and enjoying the air of the atmosphere at night. Zahra always said thank you to Boy because it has been a support system for Zahra. "Makasi dear you have always been my best support system" Zahra said to Boy, then Boy replied in a subtle tone of "Yes baby".

Behind all the problems that happened Zahra became aware of how to be strong and forced to precocious by circumstances, it turned out that adulthood was not as fun as I had always thought.


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