Reflections of One's Behaviour in That of Others

How many times do we hear politicians accuse their opponents of being liars and cheats? It's a human characteristic that what you see in others is what is really within yourself. If you see others as liars, then one should examine their own behaviour and would find that they are also prone to bend the truth. When it comes to false accusations and claims that have no basis then beware of the accuser.

The tweet recently by the President of the US, Donald Trump, against his predecessor that he 'bugged' his premises before the election should raise alarm bells within the FBI and the entire country. What you say and do against others will come back to haunt you.

A common adage is 'what goes around comes around'. It is factual because of the tendency by an accuser to be tarnished with his own accusations.

As a young child I was made aware of this. People that appeared to me to be hateful and untrustworthy with the truth nagged me to the point of requiring answers. That's when I asked myself 'are you like that.' Surprisingly the answer was 'yes'.

What I despised in my opponents was part of my make-up as well. So working hard on that area of my thinking resulted in acceptance of most people who are untarnished.

Some people wear their deceit in their faces as well as through their mouth. That means that there is an inner warning against them and one can easily back away from contact. At least this is what has occurred in my case.

One of my biggest issues is with religious people who want to drag others into their belief system. It happened that in recent days some Jehovah Witnesses called on me. They were keen to impart their mythology and were taken aback when I described to them my experience of reincarnation and connection to the Great Spirit of the Universe, the only God.

They had never contemplated such a thing and were shocked to hear me speak of it with such authority. They did not know of my link to the Spirit and how it has led me to find the roots of human progress and religious convictions.

That is the fault of the majority because they are brainwashed from birth into believing in fake gods and repetitious prayers. They worship idols of which money is perhaps the most outstanding. They have no care for the environment and power and control is the ultimate goal.

No one person, not even the President of the USA, is in control for only the real God has this planet and all life upon it under a force that man cannot change. It was determined from the first that mankind would flourish on the earth until the end of the day, a time we are fast approaching. Learning the lesson of reflection of behaviour and correction of it is part of the test to see who is spiritual and who will survive the devastation that is upon us now.

The work of the 2 beasts of Revelation goes to the heart of the financial systems through which they still run the world. My experience is pertinent to understanding why these things are known by me and are published on the Internet for free.

 By Norma Holt

Article Source: Reflections of One's Behaviour in That of Others

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