Main Text: Proverbs 6:7-8 – ‘…which having no guide, overseer or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest.

Proverbs 6:10-11 – yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep, so shall poverty come as one that traveleth and thy want as an armed man.

There is a common statement that states ‘there is no food for the lazy man. This is a very common statement that should be the watchword of everyman. Laziness is a habit that we should all desist from as it doesn’t speak well of anyone.

Laziness is an act of folly because every wise and diligent man understands the consequences of laziness. God says that he will bless the works of our hands. This goes to show that when we are lazy, there is nothing for God to bless you with.

Therefore, for you to receive the blessing of the Lord upon your life, you need to be engaged in something so that poverty will not come upon you.
God does not encourage laziness and it’s not an attribute of a child of God. A lazy man does not deserve anything good because he has nothing good offer.

One way to shun laziness is to develop yourself in a skill even when you are out of job. Just make sure you are doing something. A lazy man becomes redundant with time because he is not developing himself. God loves it when he sees his children engaged because it is out of your activities that God will lay his blessings on.


Prayer Point – God, give me the grace and strength at all times to do that which pleases you.

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