Prayer Tips

Prayer Tips
By George Mueller

Two “Prayer Tips” from George Mьller:

1. Open Bible Before Him, and His Finger Upon That Promise, He would Plead That Promise, and So He Received What He Asked

2. Mьller’s Discovery Was That After Meditating On Scripture He Was More Able to Experience a Meaningful Prayertime

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1. Open Bible Before Him, and His Finger Upon That Promise, He would Plead That Promise, and So He Received What He Asked

One of the mightiest men of prayer of the last generation was George Mueller of Bristol, England, who in the last sixty years of his life (he lived to be ninety-two or ninety-three) obtained the English equivalent of $7,200,000.00 by prayer. But George Mueller never prayed for a thing just because he wanted it, or even just because he felt it was greatly needed for God’s work. When it was laid upon George Mueller’s heart to pray for anything, he would search the Scriptures to find if there was some promise that covered the case. Sometimes he would search the scriptures for days before he presented his petition to God. And then when he found the promise, with his open Bible before him, and his finger upon that promise, he would plead that promise, and so he received what he asked. He always prayed with an open Bible before him.

-R. A. Torrey on George Mьller; “The Power of Prayer,” 1924 (P. 81)

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Note: R. A. Torrey was selected by Dwight L. Moody be in charge of his Chicago Bible Institute (now known as The Moody Bible Institute). When Dwight Moody died during an evangelistic campaign, R. A. Torrey was chosen to be his replacement, and thereafter had a ministry of Evangelism.

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Note: In German, when you cannot write an “umlaut” letter “ь” (for instance, on many of the old-style typewriters), you write “ue” instead. So you may see the name spelled either “Mьller,” “Mueller,” or “Muller” (the latter is an incorrect spelling from the German standpoint, but often English writers use it).”

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2. Mьller’s Discovery Was That After Meditating On Scripture He Was More Able to Experience a Meaningful Prayertime

“Reading without meditation is unfruitful; meditation without reading is hurtful; to meditate and to read without prayer upon both is without blessing.”

-William Bridge, Puritan Writer

Christian meditation (thinking deeply on Scripture) is “the missing link between Bible intake and prayer.” If there was a “secret” to George Mьller’s prayer life, it was his discovery of the connection between meditation and prayer. Mьller’s discovery was that after meditating on Scripture he was more able to experience a meaningful prayertime.

-Donald S. Whitney, “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” (partial quote and partial paraphrase).

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