Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Psalm 119:9 ESV Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.

There is a slight chance that if you are not very careful in this world of today, A  believer might be carried away. What you see, or hear goes a long way in shaping person’s life. Perversion is on the highest level in our society today but how can one successfully live in it without partaking of its lust?

The bible said in Romans 12:2 that the only way to keep our mind clean is to renew our mind. The way to renew a mind is to change what you think. The word of God is the only weapon to having a pure heart and meditation is the key to achieving it.

Only those with a pure mind can see God. How can a man keep his way pure? It is by guarding it according to the word of God. When Jesus cast of demons from people in the bible, you will notice He calls them unclean spirit and an unclean spirit can only dwell in a heart that is dirty.

Impure mind Is a breeding ground for the enemy. You want a real connection with God avoid some things of the world. An impure spirit do not have access to the things of God because God is holy and if he want to give himself out he must see a clean vessel.

The scripture says to the pure all things are pure. Possess a clean mind today and escape the trappings of the devil through lust( what you see, think and hear).


Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus touch my mind with your word and make it clean so I may see your glory.

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