Ideas to help children with homework

If helping your son or daughter with their homework after school is an idea that makes you nervous, do not worry. We have the tips that will help you address this situation.

It has already rained since you last faced the divisions without a calculator or the equations of the second degree (x equals minus b + - ...?). And now your son is at home with his backpack full of homework and needs guidance. This time, however, solving multiplication problems seems more difficult than it used to be. If you do not feel totally safe, if you are angry with your memory or if you just want to do better, here are some ideas so that you and your partner can continue batting on your child's equipment without the duties sound like nails on a blackboard.

Do not pretend

father's duties daughter

Do not try to pretend that you know about those subjects in which you really are a bit lost. Pretending to be the guru of, say, the natural sciences, will lead you both to an impractical confusion. If you see that you reach a dead end you can always send an email to the teacher to clarify it or to send you additional resources on the subject.

It is also not advisable to "try to learn something quickly", children are not stupid and often realize it. Trying to improvise the answer or elaborate a superficial and unprepared answer can confuse your child and distract him from his teacher's explanation or you can ask essay help online.

Ask Professor Google

girl help

Gone is that of consulting an encyclopedia or having to go to the library. The Internet has changed the way we access information. Why not take advantage of it?

The network is full of amazing online teaching tools, from videos on YouTube to practical exercises with solutions. A quick search on the internet can often give you the clarity you need and add some concrete to those shaky foundations. Think that the doubt that you have someone has already had before and probably is also the answer. To know how to search in Google is to have a key of almost masterful wisdom.

Direct line for homework: O friends, what do I want you for?

mother and daughter doing homework

Do not hesitate to call a friend, friend, or mom or daddy of the school (with these last ones throw him a nose, it's for your son).

Distribute the materials between you and your partner according to your strengths and ask your son to also suggest contacts, in this way he will also feel comfortable looking for help when you are stuck.

If your school has a class blog this can be a good source of information on the topics that are working. Finally, consider using social networks to surround yourself with pages related to homework and subjects. In a while, you can have your wall or your news supply full of information related to the subjects that cost you the most.

Do not mix dinner with geometry

And it is that if you try to boil the vegetable while you learn the order of the planets you can see that disaster will happen somewhere along the way. Doing everything and also the duties at the same time ends up creating a tense and distracted environment. Parents end up frustrating, change our attitude and often end up arguing with our children, something that obviously does not help the situation.

The best thing is that, if we are with the planets, we are with the planets. It is better to spend less time but all our attention than a whole afternoon with vague explanations that will only confuse us and frustrate us all.

Invest in a private teacher?

If you see that your child is having trouble keeping up with the class pace, you do not finish clarifying your homework and besides you do not have time to help him, maybe you should consider hiring a private teacher. Personally, and I only say it to support the text above with my experience, I was a private teacher of ESO children when I was in college and I have to say that their results improved significantly.

Think that as you progress through the courses the difficulty is higher and there are subjects such as mathematics that if you do not learn them well at first will drag them until you finish.

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