How To Become A MASTER Of Your Own Destiny?

A loser is always a part of the problem. A winner is always part of the solution. A loser sees the sand trap in front of the green. A winner sees the hole on the green. This brief summary of the legendary poem, Winners Versus Losers, sums - up, perhaps, the most significant difference, between individuals, who are consistently successful, and achieve, to the maximum of their potential, as opposed to those, who proceed through life, seeing, and focusing, on the negatives! Many people proclaim, they would like to be, a MASTER of their own destiny, but, very few, appear to be, ready, willing, and able, to do, what's needed, to get there! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and some of the things, to do, to achieve this objective.

1. Motivations; make mark; minimize; maximize: Those who minimize, concentrating on the reasons, they can't, and maximize, focusing on how they can, and will, enjoy the finest results! To do so, one must give himself, a check - up, from the neck - up, and take an objective, introspective look, in order to exam, his personal motivations, and what, truly, motives him! How would you like, to make your mark, in a prductive, self - satisfying way?

2. Attitude; attention; actions: If you really want to achieve this goal, ensure you proceed, with a positive, can - do, attitude, and pay attention, to what you need to do, and address, to maximize your possibilities! You must be willing to go beyond, the ideas, and rhetoric, stages, and take, well - considered, relevant, viable actions, which will get you, where you claim, you want to be!

3. Serve; solutions; sustainable: How do your actions, serve your best interests? How will you determine, which paths to take, which might lead you to the finest ones, which might bring about, viable, sustainable solutions?

4. Time - tested; timely: There's no reason to try to reinvent the wheel, when it makes more sense, to proceed, with well - considered, time - tested, courses of action! Never procrastinate, but, rather proceed in a well - considered, timely manner!

5. Energy/ energetic; emphasis; endurance; excellence: Getting where you want to be, requires proceeding with your utmost personal energy, and go forward, in an energetic way! Let this determine your primary emphasis, and maintain your endurance, which will bring forth, your utmost degree of personal excellence!

6. Relevant; reliable; responsive; rationale: It only makes a true difference, when/ if, you proceed, in a relevant way! How will your approach, provide reliable steps, and be responsive to your needs, goals, and priorities? Examine, whether your rationale, is beneficial, to your desired destiny!

If you want to be, as happy, healthy, and successful, as possible, become a MASTER of your own destiny! Will you be up to the tasks, and responsibilities?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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