Hemorrhoid Treatment Not Working And Here Is Why

Most people when suffering with piles start with hemorrhoid creamsor ointments. They do this for one of 2 reasons.

Firstly they are easy to obtain over the counter and secondly they don't like the idea of a digital rectal examination by the doctor.

People will say that the creams are not working. The reason is that whilst they provide temporary hemorrhoid relief, they are not a hemorrhoid cure.

They will normally then move on to hemorrhoid suppositories which whilst not a cure give temporary relief, especially to internal hemorrhoids. People soon stop using them as they are messy as hell and often cause anal irritation.

Hemorrhoid Banding is a bit more successful. The surgeon places a band around the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood supply so that it eventually drops off. Side effects include some pain and people often say that it has not worked when in fact what they are feeling is an ulcer which has formed at the banding site.

Another treatment is Sclerotherapy.

A surgeon injects into the hemorrhoid which numbs the nerve endings and gets rid of hemorrhoid pain. A scar hardens at the injection site. This is a lot slower than hemorrhoid banding. It takes about 6 weeks for the hemorrhoid to reduce in size or shrivel up.

Electrocoagulation (Electrotherapy).

A probe is place at the base of the hemorrhoid and an electrical current is passed down the probe. This thickens the blood going to the pile, causing it to shrink

Probably the most effective treatment for piles is an Hemorrhoidectomy (Hemorrhoid surgery).Whilst successful it is also pretty expensive and whatever they may tell you, you will find it a bit painful for a few weeks. Although very successful, there is a 5% chance that the hemorrhoids could return.

There are various types of surgery but normally they will either involve removing the hemorrhoid completely or cutting off its blood supply.

Natural Hemorrhoid Cure - We have looked at hundreds but only recommend one, and we include a link in the resource box below.

We feel safe recommending it as it has been around for over 12 years, and more importantly it is clinically proven and has already helped thousands of sufferers in over 120 countries and has many positive testimonials.

Thank you for reading my article. I hope you get some benefit from it and are soon free of any hemorrhoid pain

There is only one Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment which is a clinically proven program which has helped 1000s of sufferers in over 120 countries. To read more about it here is a link https://stophemorrhoidpain.com/natural

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