Encourages One Another

Hebrews 3:13
But encourage one another daily, as long as it’s called ‘Today’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

If you were to step into my home, you’d see quickly that I have an affection for houseplants. They are tucked into corners or displayed on shelves. I love the life they breathe, both figuratively and literally, into our space. There’s a learning curve to helping houseplants thrive. I’m no expert, but because I love my plants, I invest time in them by watering, pruning, researching, and enjoying them. I’ve seen firsthand the toll that a season of neglect can take on them. They may droop or wither, their soils’ nutrients might deplete, or they may become a complete casualty. The latter has happened more times than I’d like to admit.

If the life of a simple plant requires so much effort, wouldn’t it make sense that the living, breathing people in our lives may benefit from our investment as well? We live in a world where stress, sickness, sadness, and loneliness are very real things and can deplete our very souls. But we serve a God who is the Creator of all life, the living water, the light of the world, and He cares intimately for each of us.

Thought of the day: As we read Hebrews 3:13 about encouraging one another, I wonder who are the “one anothers” in our lives that need to be pointed to or reminded of a God who loves them and can sustain them? Are there people in your family, neighborhood, workplace, gym, or social settings that are thirsty for truth and encouragement? A simple kind word, a verse, a prayer, a smile, or any act of love can point them to a good God who can heal, love, and make well again.

Prayer: God, thanks for loving me and caring for me. Give me eyes to see those around me that need encouragement and to be pointed to You. Amen.

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