Health :Exercises and Workouts - What Is Bursitis and How Do You Treat The Pain and Inflammation?

By Beverleigh H Piepers

If you are involved in any type of physical activity program, there is a very good chance at some point or another; you are going to suffer an injury. While you can take steps to help prevent injuries over time, it is rare to find someone who never experiences the odd ache or pain here and there. For some people, those aches and pains are a lot more significant than others. Bursitis is one of the common causes of pain and can be very frustrating to deal with.

What is bursitis and what are the signs you may be suffering? Let us take a look...

1. What Is Bursitis? Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near the joints. When these fluid-filled sacks become inflamed or irritated, pain results and in many cases, the range of motion may be limited.

This condition can come on due to a blunt force trauma in some cases, but more often comes on slowly due to frequent and repetitive movement patterns. Runners, for instance, are prone to suffering from bursitis as well as those doing strength training exercises. You may start to suffer from bursitis if you are doing more squats than your body is used to or if you have been shoulder pressing more than you should.

2. Symptoms of Bursitis. The most common symptoms of bursitis include...

feeling achy or stiff in a joint,

noticing your bones and joints hurt more if you move or press on them, and you may also see

the area looks swollen and red as well.

3. Healing The Problem. To overcome bursitis, you will need to rest the affected area. Perhaps you could try different types of exercise: many people find swimming helps. The more you aggravate the bursa, the slower the healing process will be.

Next, ice will be your best friend, especially in the first week or two after injury. Ice applied to the area for ten minutes at least twice a day will help decrease the swelling and inflammation. Also, consider taking medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen as these can be helpful in reducing the pain as well as the inflammation.

Usually, taking these steps over two to three weeks, you will notice it heals on its own. If not, see a doctor as you may need to be checked out further in case another issue such as infection is present preventing recovery. Your doctor may suggest he inject the bursa with a corticosteroid to help lessen the inflammation.

4. Prevention. Remember prevention is the best medicine. If you want to avoid bursitis in the first place, focus on not doing repetitive exercises as often as possible. If you are going to do a repetitive routine frequently, take breaks every so often to allow any inflammation present to reduce.

Also be sure to vary your exercises as this can help further reduce the problem in the first place. Bursitis is a frustrating condition but is one that can be managed with the right approach.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of    available information but in yourself.

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