Which Exercises Should Seniors Do?

All of us keep getting old. But just because you are getting old, you must not assume that you can lead a sedate and inactive life. In fact, you must be ready to embrace that phase of your life also with all enthusiasm and happiness. The only way to lead an active life that is full of energy is to put in place an appropriate exercises regimen. This means you must first know the benefits of exercising regularly. So, what are the benefits of exercising daily?

1. You can maintain fitness which means you will experience a sense of well-being. You will feel agile and so, there may not be any balance or flexibility issues also.

2. You can prevent many ailments if you exercise daily. Even if you have already been affected by ailments such as diabetes, heart diseases, osteoporosis, depression, high blood pressure, etc., you will be able to manage them and keep their impact under control.

3. It is a proven fact that the brain of those who exercise regularly will function better than that of those who do not exercise.

4. If you are overweight, exercises will help you lose pounds. Similarly, you can gain pounds also if you want. Researches have revealed that between the age of 25 and 55, those who do not do regular exercises will lose over 5 pounds of muscles every decade. Remember that it is loss of muscles that may lead to risks of falling and getting injured. Similarly, loss of muscles may lead to weight-gain as well.

But before you begin exercising on a regular basis, you must know the basics for which the first step is to be clear about your goals. For example, if your goal is to strengthen your lungs and heart and burn calories, you must go for cardio exercises.

If you aim to lose fat and improve your metabolism, you must opt for strength training exercises. By doing appropriate strength-training exercises, you can succeed in reducing your back pain or arthritis pain as well. Other benefits of these exercises are maintaining blood pressure at the right levels and managing diabetes.

If your goal is to optimize your functioning capabilities, you must go for flexibility exercises. These exercises will help you bend, stretch, move and lift easily. Your joints will become flexible and supple if you do flexibility exercises on a regular basis. These exercises will help in reducing stress also which means you can lead a peaceful life.

Of course, your regimen can consist of all the three types of exercises. But you must be clear about how to go about these exercises because all the three types of exercises should work in tandem and help you lead a healthy life. Therefore, it is imperative that you consult a fitness expert before putting in place a regimen that consists of all of these types of exercises. A competent fitness expert will assess your capabilities as well as your physical condition and come out with appropriate suggestions so you can derive the best benefits out of your exercises regimen.

Raman Kuppuswamy writes articles on "parenting" also. Please visit    https://hubpages.com/family/Are-You-Teaching-Wrong-Things-to-Your-Children to read his latest article on parenting.

 By Raman Kuppuswamy

Article Source: Which Exercises Should Seniors Do?

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