The Rising Tide Of Tensions

Through-out the world the rising tide of tension has evoked a foreboding premonition that our world is spinning out of control. The latest terrorist attack in Great Britain is just one of the unsettling factors that contribute to the notion that our world is poised to fall into the abyss. We as a civilized society seem incapable of stopping those fanatics who have no regard for the sanctity of life. Serious questions need serious answers and yet our present Administration is too caught up in trivial pursuits that have no consequence except giving the 1% huge tax breaks. The President continues to show through his actions that the Administration is incapable of handling an international crisis. Where is the coalition of nations to root out the evil intentions of ISIS and other terrorist groups? Why aren't we joining forces with Mexico and other nations in combating the international drug trade? The answer lies with the ineptness of Trump and the rest of his Administration along with many members of the Republican led congress. To be sure past Administrations have had a hand in widening the income disparity gap and our military actions have opened up a Pandora's box of international terrorism. But, one thing stands out today is that the Trump Administration really doesn't have a clue of how to put together domestic and foreign policy directives that would ease the rising tide of tensions that have already spread through-out the whole world.

Today, many are searching for answers and wishing times were reminiscent to the days when life was simpler, more sedate and calm. As my father recalled those were the good old days. Many today actually feel that the good old days were the best years that America had. Sad to say that with an Administration that harbors ill will toward millions of Americans, with his rhetoric, and his policies that couldn't be further from the promises that he made prior to being elected is the prime cause of the rising tide of tensions though-out the country. Perhaps as some would mention if this Administration continues it's train wreck of Administering policies and directives we could behave like South Korea in the ouster of their President. One has to wonder how long will this insanity of this present Administration continue to wreck havoc on the country and the rest of the world. Another sobering question could this Administration also be the catalyst that is igniting more global terror?

A sobering thought. But, the world today resolves around power, the control of power and the link between power, wealth and control. All one has to do is realize this is take at hard look at the proposed Health Care legislation. The attempt by the Republicans and our President in their zeal to ram through their version of Health Care one has to classify it as a clear and present danger to millions of Americans. The poor, the destitute and millions of Americans have always been on the short end to the stick whenever so many governmental policies are initiated. But, this health care piece of legislation really takes the cake.

As I recall it was during Watergate when the media was tunnel focused of getting rid of then President Nixon the nation was caught off guard when the first energy crisis hit. Today, the media as well as this Administration are so focused on Russia and her ties to the Trump campaign we are being led away from one of the most important crisis of our times. This at a time when our infrastructure is falling all around us, the once strong retail industry is collapsing and our inner cities not just look like third world countries but war zones. The plight of America today needs direct intervention to resurrect a society that is the crumbling form within. It is a very sad commentary for a nation whose past administrations had and maintained some sort of credibility but today Trump has redefined his own brand of credibility that has jeopardized the entire nation.

To put the blame solely on Trump and the many Republicans who are beholden to the many corporate interests the Democrats to have their own failings. For they too are caught up in the money game that has no bearing on the lives and livelihoods of millions of Americans. The budget that this Administration is proposing is a catastrophe to the American way of life except if your in the 1% bracket. The Democratic party could unleash a counter offensive of their own and yet can't find their way to actually put together a definitive plan of direction that would save the day as it were for the rest of the country. When politicians rely solely on monetary concerns to keep themselves in office the real concerns of the country are always shoved aside. And when we have a charlatan occupying the White House it is no wonder then why this country is in such peril.

One has to wonder how long can we as a nation survive when we have a ruling class that is only beholden to wealth, power and control. We owe it to our founding fathers and all the rest of past generations that have fought and died to preserve that the United States would always be the land of the free, home of opportunity with liberty and justice for all. As we enter the onset of another season when the joys of spring should fill the air all that is apparent is the troubled waters that surround the world today.

The rising tide of tensions that should not be continues to ignite more animosity. The failings and ineptness of our own government has only intensified the urgency that direct action is needed now. Action with a direct purpose to bring hope to where there is despair, to formulate opportunities where there are none, to implement procedures that will impact and improve quality of lives are all necessary to secure our future. This is something that this Administration and the Republican led congress is incapable of.

The future lies within all of us but only if we come together with a concise plan of direction that would embody the very necessary actions that would propel the United States into a more secure and prosperous future. One that will produce much needed results for every American. If the Democratic Party would finally get it's act together and realize that there is already a plan of direction that would put America on sound footing we just may stop the rising tide of tensions that has only continued to sweep over much of the world. That plan of direction lies within "National Economic Reforms' Ten Articles of Confederation."

 By Dr. Tim G Williams

Article Source: The Rising Tide Of Tensions

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