Self-Sabotage: Can Someone Sabotage Their Life When They Feel Worthless?

When it comes to achieving something, it can be a relatively straight forward process. There is also the chance that it won't be this simple, and this can be because of the things that are outside of their control.


One way of looking at this would be to say that it is a good thing that there will be times when it isn't a straight forward process, and this is due to the effect it will have on them. For one thing, this can allow them to value what they have achieved; whereas if it was always easy, it might not have the same effect.

This is then the difference between being given something and actually having to work for it. If they always had what they wanted whenever they wanted it, they could take everything for granted.

Another Thing

In addition to how one will respond to what they have worked so hard for (or simply worked for), there will be the effect this will have on their mind. Through having to overcome different challenges, it may have strengthened their character.

It can then end up being a lot easier for them to achieving other things in their life, and they might even feel as though they can achieve something far more significant. This is then similar to weight training, and how once one has lifted a certain amount of weight, it will give them the strength and the belief to lift more.

Looking Back

If one was to look back on their life, they may find there have been moments in their life when it wasn't a straight forward process. At the time, they may have thought about giving up and doing something else.

They may have done this on at least one occasion, but in general, they may have decided to keep going. When they kept going, it could be a sign that they were doing something that really mattered.

The Right Track

One was then doing something that was in alignment with their own needs, as opposed to someone else's needs. The motivation that they needed to continue would then have come from within them.

So when one is doing something that truly matters, not only will they be able to full their needs; they will also have the energy they need to achieve it. And through achieving one thing, it will probably make it easier to go on and achieve something else.

Climbing the Mountain

One will then be able to look back on their life and to see how far they have come. They won't have stayed in the same position; they will have gradually been able to move forward and to achieve their goals along the way.

There can be what has taken place in their career and the impact this has had on their relationships. If one is self-employed, for instance, they might have been able to build their business up, or if they work for someone else, they might have been able to rise to the top of their profession.

Reaching Out

And if one is not in a fulfilling relationship at this time in their life, they may have had a number of them in the past. If they have just left one, they may have outgrown the other person.

There will then be no reason for them to feel as though something bad happened, or as though they did something wrong. This will be something that is simply part of life, and not something they could have avoided.

Round in Circles

However, while the ideal will be to move in one direction, there are going to be people who are unable to experience life in this way. Instead of being able to move forward, they may find that they rise to a certain point and then they fall back down again.

It can then be as if they are taking two steps forward and two or even three steps back. Another way of looking at it would be to say that one will get on a walking escalator and, once they get to their destination, they will get on the escalator that will take them back to where they came from.


As a result of this, one may have been able to move forward in their career, only to end up where they started. Thus, even though they deserved to get to this level, they may have changed their behaviour in some way.

Their performance might have dropped, and they may have lost their position/job. Alternatively, one may have been in a fulfilling relationship and ended up walking away or cheating on them.


Naturally, there are all kinds of ways in which one can sabotage their life, and this is something that they will be able to find out by taking a closer look at their own life. But when this does take place, one can wonder what is going on.

Initially, one may have believed that other people were trying to hold them back, or that the world was against them. Yet as they are the common denominator, they will have come to see that they need to look at what is taking place within them

A Closer Look

If one was to get in touch with what is taking place in their body, they may find that they feel worthless. And, through feeling this way, they are going to believe that they don't deserve to have their needs met.

So through destroying what they have worked so hard to create, they will be punishing themselves. But as they feel so low, this is going to be seen as being nothing more than what they deserve to experience.


When one feels worthless, it can be the result of what took place during the beginning of their life. This may have been a time when they were abused and/or neglected.

If one can relate to this and they want to change their circumstances, they may need to work with a therapist.

Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand three hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.

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 By Oliver JR Cooper

Article Source: Self-Sabotage: Can Someone Sabotage Their Life When They Feel Worthless?

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