On The Other Side of Death

What awaits the believer on the other side of death? Is Paradise and Heaven the same place? As our body descends into the earth, does our spirit ascend into the Heavenlies? Is the separation of the spirit from the body an instant experience or does the triune man sleep until he is awakened at the Lord's coming? Speculations abound with a plethora of opinions which seem only to confuse the issue further. It is the purpose of this article to open a venue of learning that may lead to some understanding of the time table and destination of the "sleeping" saint.

When Jesus hung on the cross, one of two malefactors that were being crucified with Jesus cried out and said to Jesus, "... remember me when you come into your kingdom." (Luke 23: 42) Jesus responded by assuring him that he would be with Him in Paradise that very day. (v. 43) Jesus was not resurrected until the third day, so what did He mean by "today?" As Jesus was breathing His last breath, He proclaimed with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I present my spirit." (Luke 23: 46) When Jesus died physically, the spirit left His body and went into the place known as Paradise, as did the spirit of the thief. Jesus' body would be taken down and placed in a tomb, where it would lie in state until the third day when His spirit and body would once again join together. By His resurrection, He became the "firstfruits of them that slept." (I Cor. 15:20) The Apostle Paul related that when he was stoned in Lystra, he had an out-of-body experience in which he went into the "third heaven." He stated that "he was caught up into paradise" and heard words that were not possible for him to express. (Acts 14: 19, 20 & II Cor. 12: 2-4) It would seem that those who die physically will have an instant separation of their spirit and body. Paul stated that to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord. (II Cor. 5:8)

In First Thessalonians, Paul speaks about the return of Jesus. Many of the early Christians were concerned about those that had "fallen asleep" (died.) They were worried that they would miss out on the return of Jesus. Paul told them not to worry about such things and then proceeded to explain what would happen. He told them that when Jesus comes back He would bring with Him those that had fallen asleep (died.) He was talking about their spirits. Then the "trumpet of God" would sound and the "dead in Christ" would rise first. He was talking about their bodies. The bodies that had returned to dust would be reformed into celestial bodies. (I Cor. 15: 35-54) Then those who are alive at His coming would be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. (I Thess. 4:13-18) In others words, all would be changed in a twinkling of an eye. (I Cor. 15: 51)

The Believers go immediately to Paradise to remain until they are called to return with Jesus. What about Heaven? Is Heaven Paradise? It seems that Paradise and Heaven are closely intertwined, but yet each serving a uniquely different aspect. That is a subject that needs to be addressed in a later article.

In no way should this writing be construed as a complete and final understanding of what is going to happen on the other side of death. It is hoped that each Believer will search the Scriptures himself and let the Holy Spirit reveal what is needed to be known. One thing I can tell the Believer for sure is that when he opens his eyes on the other side of "sleep," he will see Jesus!

 By Paul W Hoffmaster

Article Source: On The Other Side of Death

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