Low-Carb, Fat-Free or Calorie Counting

It is a new year, so I would be going through my usual new year ritual: New year resolutions.

Over the years, I state my new year resolutions on the first day of the year and I always plan to stick to them, but then life happens.

By the end of the first week I would have forgotten most of my resolutions and reverted back to the status quo.

But, for the past few years there has been a constant resolution that I do not forget and that is: lose some weight.

Last year I tried the calorie counting weight loss plan, I downloaded an app on my phone and earnestly imputed my consumed food and drink.

It was so hard, I had to think twice before I consumed any single food item or drink and there was the added pressure of not exceeding my calorie limit for that day.

So no, calorie counting is definitely not for me.

I have previously explored popular dietary plans in the Diets category and so I could choose from one of those, but what is all this stuff I hear in the media today.

What exactly are the Low carb, Fat free and Calorie Counting?

Low-carbohydrate diets or low-carb diets as they are popularly known are dietary plans that limit the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates.

Foods high in carbohydrates include bread, pasta and rice. These food groups are replaced with foods rich in protein such as eggs, nuts, seeds and vegetables.

The Atkins, Paleo and Zone diets are low-Carb diets.

Fat-Free diets are dietary plans that are low in fat. There are variations to this plans from totally fat-free to a low-fat diet.

It can be quite difficult to totally eliminate all fat from a diet and might not be totally healthy because some fats such as Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated can help control cholesterol.

Calorie Counting involves counting the calories based on the food items consumed on a daily basis. It is used in weight management and there are numerous apps to help monitor the foods consumed. These apps act like a food diary of sorts.

So what is the best dietary plan? Well that is a personal choice, you have to stick to what works for you.

I think I would try the low-carb diet this year, I would tell you how it goes.

It is advised that you consult a certified health care provider before starting any weight loss program.

 By Puasidor Akangbou

Article Source: Low-Carb, Fat-Free or Calorie Counting

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