Leaders: How Many FACTORS Will You Consider?

How many of you remember, the Paul Simon song, One Trick Pony? This song described an individual, who only knew, realized, performed, or did things, one way. He was either unwilling, or unable, to modify, adjust, or make some sort of changes, and therefore had difficult adapting. This is something a quality leader can, and must never do! There is almost always more than one way to achieve a goal, and, therefore, effective leaders realize, they must remain open to alternatives, maintain an open - mind, never prejudge, and prepare, and plan, effectively, by always being ready, with a contingency plan. Therefore, one must attempt to focus on goals, needs, concerns and priorities, rather than getting hung - up on the nuances, etc! Leaders: How many FACTORS will you consider?

1. Find/ face facts: Despite what the White House and its spokespeople keep telling us, there are no such things, as alternative facts or truths! Something is either factual and/ or true, or it is not! Therefore, a real, well - intentioned leader, must discover these truths, clearly examine and find facts, and then be ready, willing and able to accept and face them, even if they don't necessarily agree with your preferred narrative!

2. Address: If you become a leader, you must be willing to take personal responsibility for your actions, and the actions of your delegated subordinates, whether you want to, or not! One must expand his personal comfort zone, while maintaining absolute integrity. Introspectively, and objectively, examine your strengths, weaknesses, and fears, and address them, in a significant, realistic manner!

3. Concerns; cooperative; character; clever: During periods of adversity and challenges, we often discover the true character of an individual. Will you permit obstacles engulf you negatively, or will you recognize your concerns, reach out to others (in a cooperative, welcoming manner), and cleverly seek viable solutions, rather than choosing avoidance?

4. Timeliness; trends: Be concerned with present and future concerns, needs and priorities, rather than looming back constantly, on what others may, or may not have done well! Great leaders realize timeliness is often the difference between achievement and failure, and when that attitude is combined with understanding, recognizing, and utilizing appropriate trends, you exponentially improve your chances for success!

5. Options; opportunities; open - minded; opinions: Begin by developing the ability to differentiate between facts, and opinions! It is important to increase your available options and alternatives, so you, and your organization, are best positioned to take advantage of any potential opportunities. Always remain open - minded!

6. Relevance; rationale; real: Don't sweat the petty stuff, but, rather, prioritize relevant matters! The better you understand the situations and options, the more capable, you become, of articulating your rationale to others! Above all, keep it real!

7. Stronger; sustainable system: When you admit there are alternatives, as well as a wide variety of factors, which impact your group, you become a stronger, more viable leader! A true leader focuses clearly, conceives of what is needed, and then creates, develops and implements, the best possible, sustainable system!

Don't become a My way or the highway, type of leader! Consider as many FACTORS as possible, be prepared, and become a quality leader!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

 By Richard Brody

Article Source: Leaders: How Many FACTORS Will You Consider?

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