Because I Have a Friend

We were quite poor when I was small. We were a large family and my parents did not always have enough money to buy food. Many nights we cried ourselves to sleep from hunger. I can't remember ever having a piece of clothing that was bought new from a shop specifically for me.

We never got birthday or Christmas presents. My dad forced us to start begging from a young age. To say we had it hard is a total understatement.

During my Standard 5 year I became good friends with a boy from the neighbouring private school. We became really close friends. His parents were seriously rich and were the owners of one of the biggest hotel groups in the country.

One December holiday they invited me along. What a wonderful experience! The enormous rooms, swimming pools, entertainment parks! I couldn't get enough and everything was for free. Because we were friends, I was allowed to do anything in that hotel and nobody would look twice. I could jump on the beds without being scolded.

Well, his dad did talk to me if I was naughty, but if I apologized everything was OK again.

If my friend got a toy, it was taken for granted that I would get one too. If he got clothes, I did too. I must have gotten a whole new wardrobe during that holiday. And it must have been expensive!

But what I enjoyed most was the food. That must be why I'm still struggling with my weight! No, that was not the best - my friend's friendship was the most precious thing. He was this amazing guy who gave and gave and really cared for others. Even though he had everything anybody could desire, his mission in life was to help other people. By the end of that holiday I was a different person...

Ja, well, I made up this story for a specific reason.

I want to try and explain in a simple, non-religious way why Paul said: 3... We couldn't carry this off by our own efforts, and we know it...  We are different because Jesus invites us and because we are friends with him. We can go to heaven one day because Jesus is our friend.

In my made-up story, I could do everything, have everything, eat everything, just because I was friends with the hotel owner's son. In the same way we receive everything because we are friends with Jesus, the Son of God.

Not because we're good, but because He chose us to go with Him. Because Jesus chose as his friends, his Father also chooses us. Now we get the same privileges as Jesus.

And now we know that one day we'll be jumping on the beds of the heavenly hotel!

Bible Reading

   Philippians 3:1-3


Do you know what Jesus did for you?

Are you living a victorious life?

What is your legacy?


Jesus, this is such a simple story, but it explains exactly what You did. Thank you for being our Friend. Thank you for the privileges we enjoy simply because You are our Friend. We are so fortunate. Amen

For more information go to

 By Gerjo Ben Van Der Merwe

Article Source: Because I Have a Friend

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