A Year of Living Dangerously

It has been one whole year and a few days since I stepped down from the plane having flown overnight from Muscat via Doha; 17th December 2015 to be precise.

I was at the time buoyed by my successful completion of a consultancy contract over a 5 month period. The date being as it was, there was only mind for seasons celebration and let the morrow take care of itself.

I am 62 and approaching the age where you are looked upon more as a source of problems than asset with the wealth of stored knowledge and experience. Nevertheless that is a situation dealt with by many hundreds of thousands of people in the workforce. The double whammy occurred with the demise to a very great extent of the oil and gas industry, 40% laid off and exploration at an all time low. But on December 17th 2015 that was the furthest from my mind, I had some celebrating to do with family and friends.

And the celebrations were good, enjoyable and entertaining. But as all good things come to an end so did the festivities. With no employer to appease my return to work would be based solely on the acquisition of a new contract, agreement of terms, visa requirements, mobilisation and departure. January 2016 was slow, as I fully expected it to be, things are always sluggish after the Christmas period. February would be when things would spark, things would start happening.

February didn't happen, maybe due to the downturn in oil activity, unsure of the unemployment figures at that time and only made aware quite sometime later it wasn�t easy to understand why things were slow.

Here and there I got nibbles but no bites and it slowly dawned on me that although the downturn was a very powerful factor my age had become problematical insomuch that once it was gleaned from my Resume or from me than interest died. It has been like that since as we enter the beginning of 2017. I am not getting any younger and the oil and gas has a marginal increase in activity. I am no longer confident of commanding the same sort of contract as before, or indeed the remuneration that accompanies it. It has come as quite a jolt and wake up call forcing me to reassess our future prospects and with the gradual awareness has come the pressing need for me to reinvent myself in such a way that I can sustain us. I am not finished yet no matter what the figures say, be it unemployment or age!

The passing year with disappointment heaped on disappointment in the work arena has been interrupted on occasion by way over minor illness. Although had the original diagnosis been correct the outcome could have been catastrophic for my well being and provider, it has to be said that each and every month has delivered its only peculiar stress. We were forced to move house which in itself was problematic having two dogs.

My usual work may never resurface in its previous form so I must look to part time work of another type. I am up for it but again another challenge being faced at a time I should be contemplating my slippers, walking stick and pipe.

I view it as a challenge but a forced one. Can I meet the call, yes I think so. Will it be in the way expect, no I don�t think so. Will I enjoy the cut and thrust, yes, but only if I am successful.

I t has been a year of living dangerously and may yet be the subject of more anxiety!

Mike Hill is an expert email marketing list builder who has developed many list building strategies that will have a profound effect on your own online business.

 By Mike Hill

Article Source: A Year of Living Dangerously

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