When The Gray Has Turned White

As the age of my years finally catches up one can tell that time moves at a faster pace now. I can tell it by the way I am relegated in the way I am forced to move. Always a bit slower and more careful. The years though have been kind for I am one of the lucky ones to have survived the rigors of aging. I have known many who have succumbed to the many travesties of aging. Too many have fallen victim to Dementia or Alzheimer's where nursing homes and assisted living facilities welcome them with open arms knowing full well they will grab their Social Security payments and pensions. The greed of today knows no bounds.

I guess my longevity is attributed to the times of my youth and upbringing. As a youngster I was always hyperactive, constantly running around. Sometimes I'd get in trouble other times I was just too fast to get caught. But, that all changed when my father took the initiative and through due diligence my father managed to channel my energy in constructive more athletic pursuits. From interscholastic to collegiate sports then a professional career spanning some 30 years has kept the wolves at bay sort of speaking in health related matters. Sure there were injuries along the way, bouts of influenza and the common cold but through it all managed to keep a healthy and active lifestyle even into my now golden years.

Allot can be said about the nutrition one is exposed too in infancy all the way through adolescence. Many of us Baby Boomers had a bountiful array of nutritious sources of food. Not like today where Monsanto has cornered the market with processed and GMO food sources that actually don't have the nutritional values and the nutrients that made the food we ate more healthy and balanced than much of the food today's youth are eating.

There are other factors that hinder the health of so many today. So many of my generation have fallen on hard times. And when the finances are tight sacrifices have to be made. Do I rob Peter to pay Paul is too often the scenario that many are forced into. It is a very sad commentary for the United States where poverty is rampant, one in five children go hungry everyday and so many seniors fall victim to the ravages of aging. Too many have their golden years stolen right out from under them due to some sort of preventable disease, illness or injury.

But, as I manage to wake up each day but ever so thankful I often remember those years of yesterday Thankful for each new day knowing that with each one comes with a purpose to fulfill and now a chore to do. I guess that is all part of the wonders of being healthy and living. Being fortunate indeed to be blessed and some may say cursed with owing a home. But being healthy and active even when the gray has turned white comes the prestige that with owning a home there is always some sort of fixing that needs to be done. Never a dull moment as they say. But, as the libido has faded the love and devotion have always remained. And I guess that is also a part of life when the gray turns white.

Though fortune has smiled on this lucky guy now that my hair has gone from gray to white. But, I wasn't so lucky in affairs of the heart in those bye gone years. Those bittersweet times where romance blossomed then too often faded. The game of love can be as cruel as it gets. But, as the years went by and time marched on my fortune turned. Blessed, I was for not once in my life but three times a great love came my way. The flames of desire where loves sweet embrace are forever pressed in memory. Like a kaleidoscope of images as if it were yesterday reappears now and again when that the gray has turned white.

 By Dr. Tim G Williams

Article Source: When The Gray Has Turned White

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