Political Correctness Is Ruining Our Foreign Policy And Military Strategy

Winning their hearts and minds in the Middle East didn't work so well, and we are no better off today in the Middle East than we were before Saddam Hussein went rogue in Iraq, before we intervened to save our Kuwaiti friends, well friends of people in high places that is. Our political correctness prevented us from winning in the Middle East, we surely could have had a win-win in the end. Let's talk shall we?

There was a very bias article written in Defense One on January 27, 2017 titled "The Dangerous Delusion of 'We Should've Kept the Oil'," written by Andrew Exum, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East. And I definitely understand why he is the 'former' deputy assistant after reading that article which stated:

"It's not likely the American public realizes just how dangerous a remark President Trump made at the CIA on Saturday really was, or how it will make things very difficult for the U.S. military as it fights terror going forward. Speaking in front of the CIA's Memorial Wall," after Trump stated:

The old expression, 'to the victor belong the spoils' -- you remember. I always used to say, keep the oil. I wasn't a fan of Iraq. I didn't want to go into Iraq. But I will tell you, when we were in, we got out wrong. And I always said, in addition to that, keep the oil.

The former assistant deputy called this comment delusional. No, it's not delusional at all, we should have got production back up to 13 billion barrels a day, took 15% profit and used the rest to re-build country, infrastructure and Iraqi military and left 10-years later, Iraq would be in perfect shape and our economy would have performed better with cheaper oil and given us and our allies much more power in the process and after. The only delusion is those who criticize this Bush plan to take the oil.

Our 15% cut over 10-years would have also paid off our $2 Trillion expenses. Interestingly enough, this was the plan of the Bush Administration, but it was blocked by the Democrats. Had we done that, Iraq would not be in total meltdown and chaos today, Iran would not have been able to come in and control the politic, and the Kurds in the region would have been made whole, been safe and owned Northern Iraq as Kurdistan upon our departure.

There would have been schools, hospitals, soccer fields and beautiful Mosques throughout, America would have proved that we are a fair country, and other nations would have emulated what we did there and there would be less conflict in the Middle East. No, I am not saying 'no violence' but it certainly wouldn't be the total mess it is today. I wonder how come the media has such a short memory, or why no one is listening to Donald Trump when he discusses this, he's right actually, in hindsight, he's 100% correct. Think on it, I know hindsight is 20/20, it's easy to say what we did do didn't work and what we should have done would have been better.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net.

 By Lance Winslow

Article Source: Political Correctness Is Ruining Our Foreign Policy And Military Strategy

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