Donald Trump's Muslim Ban Is Both Irrational and Flawed

An Unjustified Ban
Donald Trump did the unthinkable as he sat in the president's chair. What was thought of as mere rhetoric for the election has turned out to be a reality? Something that cannot be brushed aside. In one of his first acts, the president signed an executive order barring Muslims from 7 nations from traveling to the USA. It's a bewildering order and looks like an attempt to please his constituency. One is at a loss to understand the rationale behind it. I have supported Trump all along but this executive order defies sanity.

Many Americans are happy as they are not aware that this ban in real terms is meaningless. There is a lot of opposition as well. Donald says the ban on travel and entry to the USA is to save the American people from the ravages of radical Islamists. Unfortunately, reading between the lines shows this order is just a sop to his voters. None of the 7 nations named have had any connection with any terror activity in the USA. This is the harsh fact. Another point to mull over is that the nationals of nations that were involved in terror activity against the USA like Saudi Arabia and Egypt don't figure in the ban.

The Ban
There is international outrage at the travel ban. Russia and China are the only 2 nations who have not commented on it. The Muslim allies of the USA fighting shoulder to shoulder against the ISIS like in Iraq must be wondering how they are singled out. Thousands of Iraqi soldiers are fighting the ISIS and including them and leaving out nations that have a link to nationals who committed terror acts against the USA must be bewildering to them. Why did Donald for all the macho image he wants to project not include these countries?

Business interests
The sad part is that Donald has a substantial business interest in these countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE and as he has business interests he has omitted these nations. Saudi Arabia is an enigma as it is an ally of the USA and perhaps Donald did not want to touch it as it would have ruffled the feathers and with all the oil coming in from there he thought it better to leave out the foremost sponsor of Islamic fundamentalism. how could Donald have ignored it? are business interests more important than justice and fair play. I read sadly that an Iraq veteran who lost both legs fighting with the US army against the ISIS was not allowed in the USA for rehabilitation and recovery. What can be sadder than this?

Last word
Donald's executive order is just an attempt to show his supporters that he means business. He has forgotten there is palpable anger against America in the Muslim world and just for this reasons has made it unsafe for Americans to travel to many parts of the globe. Donald must remember that men who ride the tiger have the chance of being eaten by the beast. Who knows Donald may be devoured by his own actions. A lot will depend on the resilience of the American state.

 By Madan G Singh

Article Source: Donald Trump's Muslim Ban Is Both Irrational and Flawed

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