Never Change Your Real Self

Behave as you always wanted to act. I don't know if your real You is even active now. You got entangled to the life of lies. Liar personality exists in every person in the world.

It is fake illusionary ball imprinted on the soul. You can reach a pure, the advanced, attractive attributes of your soul. But perfectionism exists somewhere deep down underneath your fake persona.
In other words, you can be yourself. You will do that only if you get out of your conditioned beliefs and negative feelings.

For example, you are born in Africa and the color of your skin matters less in white skin countries. You can also suffer from stigma if you are ill on rare disease. You experience worthiness and inequality to other humans.

Or you may look not the same as the rest of the humanity. It would be different if your strange look would be a norm. Then other people would be strange and outcast, not you.

Do you see those negative emotions, those people experience?

Sadness, isolation, inadequacy, disappointment or low self-esteem drain those people to the grave. It is like a roller coaster where you forget about your real authentic soul.

If your get rids of your negativity, how would you feel about yourself? Just think about it, for a minute.

Now, put your hand over your heart as you are speaking to yourself from there. Acknowledge that you see that your personality is fake.

You may feel lighter, clear mind and strength. You may also feel stronger and more powerful inside. Those emotions are your real, positive attributes of your true individuality. There is no need for change. Why? If it is not necessary, you keep it; it is your real you.

People will love it. The most important are that you will adore and love it too.

Do it now or leave it and give up your life. I believe that you a warrior and you seek the truth. Self-growth is not about seeking validation and approval. You don't have to pretend somebody else nor be pleasing to others. It isn't also about traditions, religion, and rules.

In other words, you live in a world of illusions and toxic standards. They don't define who you are, but you want to fulfill expectations of others.

Those rules are not exactly rules because they are agreements you agreed to. Individual existence and perception might be different from your neighbor, friend or another citizen.

It is a way of life you feel it is OK now.

So, you want to take a challenge and face the truth. It is not the egotistical way of living. It is something special. You can live to feel your true positive emotions, happiness, and real freedom.

Yes, it sounds a bit utopian these days. If you want to achieve complete emotional freedom, it is a long way to achieving it by us, humans.

You and your ancestors experienced many bad things in the past. Your mind inherited it as post generation trauma. It is thick, complex, hidden problem in subconscious mind.

It still affects your present life and destroys individuality. I am sure you want to stay grounded. Just think about the present moment.

If you want to achieve that, you must start somewhere. Do one little, simple step at a time. If you are honest with yourself, you will feel your pain and broken heart and soul as well.

It is the only experience; you keep remembering all the time until you resolve it.

And boom! You can uncover your true potential, real emotions and a soul you always wanted to discover.

Iga is a facilitator and works with people. She teaches them a modality - MRP �.
She teaches them how to discover their true greatness, happiness, and real freedom.

Do a work with me, and you will understand what I mean. Good luck in your decisions!


By Iga Wisniewska 

Article Source:  Never Change Your Real Self

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