Anti-Trump Golden Globe Narrative Misses The Reality Of Our Politic

It's obvious that the mainstream media, Hollywood and the Washington DC elite are for the most part very leftist in their political views - no secret there - and yet, despite all this power, the Democrats lost the election - why? It's simple really, they stopped listening to the middle class and for 8-years silenced their critics calling them stupid, ignorant, racist, and haters, in fact, it must be true it was reported on all the news outlets and in all the newspapers - bless those wonderful journalists?

Hollywood is also good at calling those on the right mean-spirited things and never miss a chance to go out of their way to make their intentions and opinions known - calling those opinions truth of course. Meryl Streep, yes, she's still alive and well, took to the stage at the Hollywood annual 2017 Golden Globe Awards and she commented about a disabled reporter who was mocked by Donald Trump during the campaign, calling the reporter 'outranked in privilege and power' unable to defend himself;

"It, it kind of broke my heart when I saw it and I still can't get it out my head because it wasn't in a movie. It was real life."

What she didn't say was how that persnickety reporter went out of his way to make a statement, in the form of a question trying to make Trump look bad on TV and bait him, knowing he could play "gotcha" since he was disabled - just as Khizr Khan, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, baited Trump and was able to play the politically correct card.

And then Meryl Streep follows up with another statement; "Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose. OK, go on with that thing. OK, this brings me to the press. We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call them on the carpet for every outrage."

What hypocrisy we have here. The Democrats and their operatives have disrespected all who disagree with them, and during the long election staged false violent narratives from the right to prove themselves carrying the moral high-ground. The left political operatives paid people to cause protests, incite riots, and bully the right into submissiveness using their political correct strategies. Then the Democrats used the mainstream media to trash Donald Trump, calling any stories not fitting their echo chamber narrative; Fake News.

And lastly, the Democrats claimed the Fake News during the election came from foreign operatives and cost Hillary Clinton the Presidency as if she was pre-ordained, entitled, and no one dared to hold her power to account. Are you starting to see a pattern of hypocrisy here? I sure as hell am. Think on it - be great, don't hesitate.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

 By Lance Winslow

Article Source:  Anti-Trump Golden Globe Narrative Misses The Reality Of Our Politic

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